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Monday, November 30, 2009

A New Day A New Beginning

My horoscope for for today kind of fits how I am feeling right now.
This is my horoscope for today

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You know what you want, but the situation keeps changing like the winds on a spring day. Just as you get comfortable with flying your kite one way, everything shifts and you must readjust your behavior in order to prevent it from crashing down to earth. This would not be a problem, except that you must pay constant attention or suffer the consequences. Maintaining a high level of concentration is your spiritual practice now and if you succeed, the rewards will be worth the wait.

Considering every thing that happened this past week it fits. I knew what I wanted last week and things did keep changing. I wouldnt say it came crashing down, but I think the things that did change, was for the best. It made me realize just who my true internet friends are. As to the rewards part of it, was it worth it? I would say it was. It was a learning experience that I wont forget any time soon and I have learned that I will be more careful who I trust.

The best rewards of last week was working together with Nicki and her friends and getting her car fixed, and getting to spend Thanksgiving day with Dale, Nicki, Josh and Drake.

Until next time I hope all is well in your little piece of the world. May you find peace and happiness today and every day.

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