Honor-Pronunciation: \ˈä-nər\
a good name or public esteem
a showing of usually merited respect : recognition
one whose worth brings respect or fame
a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity
synonyms honor, homage, reverence, deference mean respect and esteem
shown to another. honor may apply to the recognition of one's right to great
respect or to any expression of such recognition
mingled with love, devotion, or awe
deference implies a yielding or submitting to another's judgment or preference
out of respect or reverence
I think honor is an important part of life. You must first honor yourself. By this
I mean you must respect yourself. You must have good self esteem, if you give
your word to someone I think you should honor it. The only way I break my
word once given is if I am ill and cant do the things I said/promised I would do.
I also call the person whom I have given my word to and let them know that I
am ill and cant do what I promised I would do at that time and ask if I can do
it when I am feeling better.
Honor can mean many different things as you can see from the defination above.
Honor means different things to different people.
I was raised to mean the things I say. To keep promises. To honor my parents,
by showing them respect and to respect those older than me.
I believe that trust and respect go hand in hand and they are not to be given
lightly but to be earned. By this I mean that some one has to earn my trust
and respect for them by thier actions.
I think I have to respect myself before others can respect me. I have to be
truthful and honest about the things going on in my life and except them for
what they are. Deal with them in an honest way, the best way I know how.
Take things one day at a time. Deal with things at the time they happen and
let it go, put it behind me, for its over like the day before is gone. Letting
something go, putting it behind you dont mean that its over, it just means
that your not going to let it drag you down for the rest of your life. It means
your going to get on with your life.
Some times I think I over think things and it gets all blown out of proportion.
Have you ever tried to put yourself in the other persons shoes? Tried to see
how they feel about things? Are you the kind of person who cares and tries to
resolve things without hurting the other persons feelings, do you honor their
wishes when they ask for time and space to work things out in their own way?
They say time heals all wounds. I am not so sure that is true. I think that for
some the wounds appear to be healed on the outside but down deep in their
hearts the wound is still there. Comes out when you least expect it to to torment
us. Thus causing us to deny it ever happened.
(Deny-to declare not to be true; to disavow ; to refuse to grant or acknowledge;
not to afford or yeild.) Causing us to be in self denial mode. By not yeilding to
the other person and thier feelings on the situation. Not acknowledging how
they feel.
Letting go is hard to do. Sometimes I think it we would be better off emotionally
if we just let things go and let time heal the wounds from our emotional distress.
But, and yes there is always a but, we have to want to let go, to be able to actually
let things go and get on with our lives.
People, family and friends are and important part of our life. Our parents shape
our lives while growing up and make us the adults that we become. Based on
how we are raise, I believe is how we see things as adults. Maybe not the way
our parents saw them. After all things change on a daily basis and some times
not for the better.
I only have one daughter, I raised her the best I could. I taught her morals
and values. What she does with the things I taught her is her choice to make.
I may not like her choices, but I have to honor them for she is an adult and
responsible for herself and her actions. I may question her about some decisions
she makes but in the end I tell her that you have to do what ever you think is the
thing for you and the boys. I then support her in the decision she makes.
Its time for me to check my sugar and get breakfast. I hope you have a good day.
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