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Monday, November 23, 2009



Expectation-act or state of expecting; prospect of good to come;
prospect of reaching a certain age.

My expectations of friends and family is for them to respect me as
a person. Nothing more nothing less. I dont need material things
from them.

With the financial difficulties this year it will be a very lean Christmas
for some families. Some people will spend the day alone while others
celebrate with family and friends. Gift exchanges for my family, will
consist of us just giving gifts to Josh and Drake. I will cook the Christmas
dinner and most likely have the boys part of the day and their Dad will have
them part of the day. Dale and Nicki will probably have to work Christmas

I really dont expect my family or friends to give me a gift for any occassion,
all I ask from them is to come if they can and celebrate with me.

Expecting things from people is not always a good thing. Some people just are
built to give things or do the things others expect from them. People who have
jobs, if they want to keep them then they have to do what their boss expects them
to do and if that is work on the holidays, then they have to work to keep their jobs.

I expect others to hurt me, been there done that and I know it will happen again.
What I dont expect from my so called friends is for them to say that they are
my friend then totally ignore me. Friends that are a friend only when they want
something from me. Well learned a long time ago that friends like that I dont need
complicating my life. I can live with them or without them. Their choice, but also
my choice as to whom I will be friends with. Most of my internet friends I consider
as part of my extended family and I would be very broken hearted to lose their friendship.
Some times life's circumstances causes those friends made on the net to leave. I am sad
when that happens but I understand it has to be that way. Its just part of life.

So, live life to the fullest for you never know if tomorrow will come, no matter what
tell those you love that you love them. Be the person you are and never change for any one,
but yourself. Only you can fullfill your expectations for yourself. Others have to do it for
themselves. I think the less you expect of others the lesse you get hurt.

Enjoy your day/evening/night depending on which part of the world youre in.
Until next time may you be blessed, and stay safe.

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