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Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Hear You

I heard you this past week. I learned just what kind of back stabbing friends I have.
I learned that from listening that there is no one whom I can count on but myself when dealing with internet friends. Why do I say that? Because things have been said that were lies about me, and the person saying them didnt have the guts to say them to me. Talk about two faced. That person is. Says good things about you when youre around and then trashes you to mutual friends when youre not around. Am I hurt by this?
I was but after thinking about every thing that happened this past week, I am no longer hurt by it. I should of known it would happen again. Yes, it has happened before and I didnt learn from it. But I have learned from it this time. What I have learned is that they no longer have the power to hurt me. That certain friendships werent ment to be. That not all things are what they seem especially people met on the internet. I have forgiven them and will be forgetting in time the hurt they caused. I will be moving on and that some will think they are moving on but in reality they are stuck in the past, cant forgive themself for the mistakes they made. My wish and prayers for those who hurt me and others this past week, may you have another chance to make things right when things go wrong in your life, may you find peace and happiness in all that you do. It has been nice knowing you and learning about the negative side of life from you all.
If your reading this and think its about you then it probaly is about you.
Until next time, may your own little piece of the world bring you peace and happiness

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