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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just Some Thoughts

I really dont know where to begin. A lot has happened since I have posted here last. Some good, some not so good and some bad.

I have been depressed and crying alot lately. Why, I dont know and I am not sure I even care to find out why.....

Some things that were supposed to happen didnt. Some did and didnt work out the way some wanted them to. The holidays are upon us soon and I am just not in the holiday mood. I will be baking the turkey and making the dinner for Thanksgiving. I think it will probably just be Dale, Nicki and the boys and I this year. Since Mom passed away we havent dont the big family holidays. I sure do miss them. But hey, thats life, things change. Not always for the good. But not always bad either. I know I am not making a whole lot of sense, but I dont really have to since this is my blog and I know what I mean. No one is forcing you to read this or try to understand what I am talking about. I feel as long as I know what I am talking about thats all that matters. If your a close friend then you more than likely know what I am not saying here. If youre family reading this and dont know what I am talking about then you dont need to know. If family was close as they like to make people think they are, then they would know what is going on with me and whats not being said here!!

Drake is wrestling for Calhoun Red Devils this year. His first wrestling match is Nov. 19th. I hope I get to go. Its in Parkersburgh.

I hope the upcoming year will be much better than this one has been. I will try to post here more but not making any promises, to any one about any thing.

I hope all is right in your own little piece of the world. Until next time be well and safe. God Bless and keep you.

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