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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where to Begin

Where to begin with my thoughts today. They are random and have been for a few days. I have debated on adding them here.

What does it mean when friends and family say "keep in touch"? To me it means that they want to keep in touch be it by phone calls, emails or instant messaging. But to them it may mean something different entirely. I think they mean it at the time they say it to you, but then life has a way of changing things and people.

When I say it I mean it and I do keep contacting family and friends until they stop responding. But the way I see it, keeping in touch works both ways. I dont want to always be the one calling. How hard is it to pick up the phone, and call someone you supposedly care about, or when your showing online on messengers to message some one? Emails would be nice once in a while even if its just to say Hi, how are you? We are doing good.

I know people have busy lives, but if youre going to show online on messengers then you have time to talk to those whom you consider friends otherwise you would log in as invisible if you didnt want family and friends contacting you. You can always set your stealth settings so that you only show online to those whom you want to know that youre online. So there for I have decided that I am not going to be the one making the first move and contacting people who dont respond or havent responded for a while.

If you think I worry about not hearing from you, then youre right. Am I going to let it stress me out and get me down. Nope, why should I. I can see how you are on Face Book, My Space and other social networks where you have me on your friends list. Will I miss talking to you like we have been on a daily basis. Sure, but with time missing you will be a thing of the past. You will be just like other friends who was on my friends list and disappeared from my life. Once you stop talking to me, after a while I weed out those who dont talk to me and delete them from my friends list.

Do I give them second chances? Yes, but how many chances should you give people? The more chances you give them the more chances they have of tromping on your feelings.

I have other thoughts but will leave them for another time since a friend whom I havent talked to for a while just messaged me.

So until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.

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