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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My mood changed really fast night before last and has kind of been going back and forth since. I was in a great mood, happy and upbeat when something happened to change it. I went from happy, to curious, then to one of doubt. I was in a situation where I wasnt sure what I wanted to do.

The next day I still didnt know what I wanted to do so I talked to a friend who gave me some good advice. I did what I thought was best and just hope it works out well at this time.

Only time will tell. So I shall wait and see and procede with caution.
Usually I dont let things like this bother me but this did. I think it happened for a reason but I am just not sure it happened for the right reason this time. Time will tell.

Good or bad the decision is made and I will honor it to the best of my abilities but if and when the same situation occurs again, the results will be very different from this time.

So, until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.

Diabetes Links

Quality health site has lots of useful information for diabetics. Below is links to some of the articles.

Diabetes Medications and Weight Gain

All About Diabetes-Videos

Treating depression helps with blood sugar control

Diabetic kids may focus too much on carb counting


Type 1 diabetes


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions, do I make them? Yes, I make them. Do I keep them? No, not always for in the past I set goals as resolutions that were unrealistic.

This year my resolutions will be differnet. Will be more attainable. This year I am going to eat more healthy and try to lose some weight. I found a friend to be my diet buddy. We joined an online site called fitclick. Then I decided that in the past year I had lost 20 lbs without the site and that I was just going to continue doing what I had been doing without using the site. Hey it works for me so why mess with something that works?

I have a lot of weight to lose if I want to get down to what I should be for my height and bone structure. I would like to be my ideal weight but I dont see that happening any time soon. Does that bother me? No, because I am happy and like myself the way I am that is all that matters. Sure there is days that I dont like myself but they pass and life goes on. Do I exercise alot, not really. But I do walk alot, when the weather is nice out I do go out and run with Josh and Drake in the yard. I walk most places I go. I do ride my exercise bike occassionally when I feel up to it. I need to start riding it more even if I dont feel like it. I have a George Foreman Walk it off with George dvd. I should start doing it.

Looking back at the past year I have to say for the most part it was a good year. Made some new friends, some friends moved away but still keep in touch. Some friends just disappeared out of my life. I did start eating more healthier in the last 6 months and got Dale to stop using salt, which I dont use. I did get him to eat semi healther. I watched my grandsons grow, watched them play soccer and I see the changes in Josh as he grows, his voice changing, becoming deeper. Drake becoming more independant as he learns things he needs to know to start kindergarden this coming fall. There were good times, bad times sad times and for the most part happy times. I am looking forward to seeing all the changes in my grandchildren as they grow into adults.

Life changes every day and all I can do is change with it and grow, learn and be the best person I know how to be.

I may or may not post before the New Year begins. So I want to wish you a good, blessed and prosperous New Year. May life be all that you want and need it to be in the coming year. HAPPY NEW YEARS.

Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

What You Should Know About the Glycemic Index
December 21, 2009

By Amy Tenderich of

The “Glycemic Index” has become a huge dieting buzzword. Around the world, the Canadian G.I. Diet and American Glucose Revolution books are selling like hotcakes (you should excuse the expression) – buoyed by the promise of helping dieters avoid the “dreaded blood sugar rush blamed for weight gain.” But is the GI diet approach just another empty fad? The answer is yes, and no. Read on for details.


What is the GI?

The Glycemic Index (GI) was actually created as a system to help people with diabetes judge how different foods would affect their blood sugar levels. Researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, set out to scientifically test and record the impact of individual foods on blood glucose (BG) levels. In fact, you can find the “GI value” of hundreds of foods in their database at You can even submit samples of a food, along with a check, and the research team will measure its GI value for you.

This is accomplished by a simple experiment. To set the GI value of, say, a slice of bread, 10 volunteers eat 50 grams (about 2 ounces) of the bread in the morning after fasting. Their BG is then measured over the next two hours, and the total rise in glucose during this time period is calculated. Several days later, the same 10 volunteers drink 50 grams of pure glucose, and have their BG measured in the same way over the next two hours. The two glucose sums are compared, and the difference in value between the test food and the ingested glucose becomes the GI value for that food.

What’s important for you to know here is that foods with lower GI values have a lesser impact on BG in the first two hours after you’ve eaten them. In other words, these foods need longer to absorb into your system, so they don’t cause a BG spike. Typically, high GI foods are sweets and starches – high-carbohydrate, lower-fiber foods which are also obvious foods to avoid when you are attempting to lose weight. For this reason, a low-GI diet sounds like the ideal weight-loss plan.


Trouble in Paradise

Yet as easy as it sounds, the Glycemic Index becomes a little complicated when you try to apply it in real life. Foods don’t always affect your BG the way you would expect them to based on their GI value, due to a number of variables: most of your food is not eaten directly after fasting, as it was during the GI testing, and you also eat foods in various combinations and amounts.

Note that the American Diabetes Association (ADA) does not endorse the Glycemic Index. The organization points out that the GI impact of a food differs tremendously on its type (country of origin, fresh or processed), its age or ripeness, the length of time it was stored, method of cooking, and a half-dozen other variables. Also, the effect of GI values vary from person to person, and even in a single individual from day to day. What's more, the GI values are calculated based on 50g/carb portions, which is rarely the amount normally eaten. So heck, does this Index have anything valuable to tell us at all?


Real Food, Real Value

The Glycemic Index diet has not actually been shown to affect weight loss, despite the belief that controlling BG will control appetite and insulin, and therefore control food intake and fat storage. The International Food Information Council recently summed it up by stating: "Current evidence suggests that the Glycemic Index ... is of little utility for providing dietary guidance for Americans."

That said, it is true that carbohydrates are central to most diets, providing your most essential source of energy and also the biggest impact on your BG levels. Thus, it’s important to be mindful of how carbohydrates affect your diabetic metabolism, both in terms of quantity and quality. A rule of thumb akin to avoiding “high GI” foods goes like this: “If it’s white, it’s not right.” This helps remind people to limit their intake of potatoes, white rice, and breads and pastas made with white flour – all of which have a high GI value and do indeed make your BG levels immediately soar.

In the final analysis, most experts agree that using the Glycemic Index or relying on the recommendation to eat more fiber, fruits, and vegetables, will lead you in the same general direction. Unprocessed or “whole” foods will always be better for you than any fabricated “low-carb” product. That stuff is often extremely high in fat and chemicals, and has in some cases even been altered specifically to be indigestible, so that your so-called “free” chocolate will create a nasty stomachache.

Probably the most useful thing you can do as a diabetic is to get a feel for the carbohydrate content – and impact on your BG levels – of the usual foods you enjoy eating regularly. Only by knowing this can you really begin to understand the impact of your diet on your day-to-day glucose control and longer-term A1c results.

Amy Tenderich is creator of the popular web log and co-author of the new book, “Know Your Numbers, Outlive Your Diabetes.”

You can find out more about Diabetes here.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Chistmas is over. I hope you all had a good Christmas. I babysit Christmas Eve. Kept the boys at my house so I could finish baking.

Christmas morning got the boys up at 7:30 and fed them breakfast and got them ready to go home at a little after 8 so they could open presents at home.

Put the turkey in the oven to bake. Sat down to eat about 12:30.
We had turkey with home made stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and macaroni and cheese and hot rolls. We also had chocolate chip mint cookies, pumpkin bread, nilla waffer pudding, dutch apple crumb pie and pumpkin pie.

Nicki and the boys went home after eating so she could get some sleep cause she had to work Christmas night. Plenty of left overs so I dont have to cook today.

Quote of the Day
To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.
- Confucius
This quote of the day is so true. We are only wronged for as long as we remember it and allow it to control our actions.

I hope all is well for you in your own little piece of the world today and every day.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Surviving the Holidays with Diabetes

Surviving the Holidays with Diabetes
By Amy Tenderich of

The winter holidays are here again, and ‘tis the season for making merry – mostly by way of overeating and drinking, it seems. For those living diabetes, who are struggling to maintain a healthy balance all year round, this season can be especially rough.

It seems that everyone is pushing rich food on you, and the cold weather makes it harder to get out and exercise. Many of us are traveling as well, which interrupts our usual routine and brings new challenges. And visiting with relatives can be... shall we say... trying at times, as they often make bothersome comments about our diabetes care.

What do you do about all of this? Panic? Or just close your eyes and brace yourself for “a few bad months”? Here’s hoping that there is some healthy middle ground.

I don’t pretend to have a magic solution, but I’ve compiled a list of some things I’ve focused on in past years that have really helped:

For Holiday Buffets:
• Make sure you don’t go to parties hungry. Have a snack before you leave home, and try chewing some flavorful gum before you to fill your plate

• Also, before you hit the buffet, make a mental priority list: which foods can you skip, which are semi-tempting, and which ones really make you drool – as in you know you will eat them no matter what happens

• Take a very small helping of only your absolute favorite foods (the drool category), and then go find a quiet corner in which to savor them

• When everyone else is indulging in that third plate of food, decline politely, and then remind your self – or even politely mention out loud – how many grams of fat and carbohydrates you’ve just avoided (this has the added advantage of putting others off goading you to eat more ☺ )

• Then move away from the buffet table. Standing too close is an invitation to keep grazing


For Exercise:

• Others need to be active at this time of year too. Start pestering all your friends about joining you for walks or some kind of “group workout” (it’s also harder to blow off something planned with other people)

• If it’s too cold to go out, think about walking laps around your workplace or the shopping mall, and taking the stairs whenever and wherever you can

• Or turn up the music in your living room and just dance around. Research studies show that any kind of activity – even fidgeting – is better than sitting still

• Try especially to squeeze in a walk or workout on the day of a holiday party or dinner – the activity helps offset any negative effects of the food you’ll eat


For Traveling:
• When packing, be sure to bring along your own snacks, and backups of everything, including an extra glucose meter and test strips

• Be sure to also have a copy of all your diabetes medication prescriptions

• Always wear medical alert jewelry; you never know when you might end up alone and unable to speak up for yourself

• If you’re flying, pack all your essentials in your carry-on bag, that way you’ll be OK even if your luggage doesn’t arrive with you


For Pesky Relatives who act like the “Diabetes Police”:
• Touch base your best allies in advance (your mother, brother or best friend?) to remind them that you really don’t need any “diabetes police” during holiday celebrations

• Work on training your brightest smile to “kill ’em with kindness”

• Say “thank you for your concern,” and then change the subject or walk away if necessary

• Try not to get too mad. Let’s face it, the only person you can really change is yourself, so try to “reframe your attitude” to make the most of the situation

There’s no easy answer to deflecting the onslaught of pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, gingerbread men, egg nog, and candy treats that’s coming at us this time of year. We all struggle to keep a balanced diabetes routine through this busy, cold, and food-centric season. But last year at my site, I did gather a bunch of Holiday Survival suggestions from the community and compiled them in an eBook (online booklet you can easily download), here:

There are many great tips from many wonderful people walking in our shoes.

Amy Tenderich
This article can be found here.

Until next time I hope all is well in your own little piece of the world.

Diabetes: understanding insulin resistance

Diabetes is a part of my every day life. I dont let it control what I do or how I live my life. I am not on insulin but do take meds to help control my diabetes. For those of you on insulin I hope this video may help you in some way.

Diabetes: understanding insulin resistance
Watch the video here.

Healthy Holiday Eating Guide For Diabetics

Healthy Holiday Eating Guide
By John Crowley, Caregiver Advocate

From work parties to family gatherings, the holidays always seem to offer new challenges to diabetics. New foods, richer foods, extra treats, and traditional dishes can make it difficult to manage blood sugars effectively.

With a little planning ahead and a few simple steps, you can make the holidays healthier and more enjoyable. Perhaps the most important thing is having the right mindset. You don’t have to deny yourself every holiday treat. But you will have to make choices. Here are a few tips to help you make the best choices.


Survey the Whole Table

When eating at a party, take a moment to look over the food before you start loading your plate. Look for green salads, vegetable trays, and meat dishes. By giving a large portion of your plate to low-carb options, you will give yourself a much better chance at controlling your blood sugar. Choose breads and starches carefully. You’re much more likely to encounter a sweet roll or a sugary glaze during the holidays than other times of the year. Desserts and treats are a big part of most holiday celebrations. Watch your portion size to help avoid large spikes in blood sugar.


Watch What You Drink

The American Diabetes Association suggests that diabetics with nerve damage should not drink alcohol at all because alcohol is toxic to nerves. Even diabetics with good blood sugar control need to be careful. Alcohol increases the risk of low blood sugar—especially if you drink on an empty stomach. If you choose to drink alcohol, avoid mixed drinks that add large amounts of sugar. One helpful tip is to alternate drinking water between alcoholic drinks at a party.


Do Your Part

Often, you’ll be asked to bring an item to share at a holiday party. You can do your part to make sure there are items on the table that work for your diet. Bring a fresh vegetable tray or a green salad or a low-calorie dessert. Learn to make one of your favorite holiday dishes with sugar substitute.


Don’t Be Embarrassed to Ask

If there is a delicious looking dish on the table but you have no idea what’s in it or how many carbohydrates it contains, don’t be embarrassed to ask. No one will be offended if you compliment their wonderful looking dish and explain that due to your diabetes you simply need to know what’s in it. Then once you know the ingredients, compare the ingredients to a food for which you know the carbohydrate count and make your best estimate.


Make a Deal with Your Support Team

Talk with your spouse, family, or friends before attending a party. Share with them your eating plan (perhaps you could even challenge them to try to stick to your plan too). Will you try to eat fewer carbohydrates from the main dishes to accommodate a dessert? Or are you planning to adjust your insulin dose to cover extra carbohydrates? (Note: If you don’t know how to adjust insulin, be sure to talk to your doctor first.) Talking through your plan will help you solidify it in your mind and increases your commitment to it. Then ask your support team if they will meet you at the gym or the walking path the day after to help work off any extra calories.


Beware of Grazing

One of the biggest challenges for diabetics is what my son’s doctor calls “grazing.” This happens when you simply keep passing by the serving table or the kitchen counter and nibbling on this and that. Nothing seems significant enough to worry about. But then suddenly your blood sugar is skyrocketing. It’s best to only eat off your plate. Serve yourself, pause to count the carbohydrates, and then eat. It takes a little self-discipline, but it can make a huge difference in protecting yourself from spikes in your blood sugar.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Its A Snowy Day

It started snowing last night around midnight. When I woke up this morning we had about an inch or so of snow. Its now 3:35pm and we have about 7 inches of snow with more predicted for the coming week. The roads are slick and they are asking you not to go out unless you have to. This is the most snow that we have had for a long time. I love it when there is snow on Christmas Day. Makes if feel more like Christmas to me. I will be spendind Christmas with Dale, Nicki, Josh and Drake. I am more in the Christmas spirit now. My shopping is done. I just have to wrap the gifts. My cards are sent out. I still have to do the baking, which Dale is going to help me with next week. We always have fun when we cook together.
My Christmas dinner is planned and I have most of the things I need for it. Just have to get a few last minute fruit and veggies. Even if I have to walk to the store in the snow I will be getthing those last minute items Monday or Tuesday.

Seeing all the snow today and hearing the kids in the neighborhood out playing brought back happy childhood memories. Memories of snowball fights with Momma and the other kids in our neighborhood, sledding, and the giving of fruit baskets to shutins while on a hay ride during the holidays with our church youth group. Then coming back to our house for cookies and hot chocolate. Those were the days.

Until next time, may your day be filled with peace love and happiness, in your own little piece of the world.

Using Chopsticks

The following is a simple


1. If possible, use wood or bamboo chopsticks. Plastic

chopsticks are more slippery and harder to hold.

2. Hold the chopsticks in the middle, making sure that

the ends are even and do not cross.

3. Hold the top chopstick between the thumb and the index

and middle fingers.

4. Keep the bottom chopstick stationary at all times.

5. To pick up food, place a bit of pressure on the top chopstick.

This will move the tip closer to the bottom chopstick.

6. When the tips are close enough together, use them to grasp

a piece of food off the plate.

7. Lift the food up to your mouth, leaning over if necessary.

8. For foods containing bones (such as chicken), hold the food

with the chopsticks and eat around the bone.


Children often prefer to hold chopsticks nearer the bottom

instead of in the middle.



Definition of Depression
Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness and hopelessness, loss of interest in once pleasurable activities, low energy, disturbed sleep or appetite and poor concentration. Unlike normal feelings of sadness, these symptoms can become chronic or recurrent and interfere with a person's ability to take care of his or her daily responsibilities, sometimes leading to suicide. Depression can range from mild to severe and without treatment, symptoms can last for months or years.

Types of Depression
There are several types of depression, but the three most common are major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder.

■Major depression is the most severe type of depression and interferes with a person's ability to work, study, sleep, eat and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Some people experience only one episode of major depression, but many will have repeated episodes throughout their lifetime.
■Dysthymia is less severe than major depression, but persists for a longer period of time, often several years. People who suffer from dysthymia are usually able to perform daily functions but might seem consistently unhappy. Some may also experience episodes of major depression at some point in their lives.
■Bipolar Disorder (also called manic-depression) is characterized by episodes of depression, usually severe, alternating with episodes of extreme elation called mania.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs of depression can be different for each person, depending on the severity, frequency and duration of the disorder. Common symptoms of depression include the following:

■Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
■Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessness
■Irritability and/or restlessness
■Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
■Difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions
■Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex
■Decreased energy and fatigue
■Insomnia, early-morning awakening or excessive sleeping
■Loss of appetite and unintended weight loss or gain
■Reoccurring pain, headaches or digestive problems that do not respond to treatment
■Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
People with bipolar disorder will show signs of the following during the mania episode:

■Feelings of euphoria, extreme optimism and inflated self-esteem
■Poor judgment
■Inability to concentrate
■Recklessness or taking chances not normally taken
■Difficulty sleeping
■Rapid speech, racing thoughts, agitation and increased physical activity
■Tendency to be easily distracted
Symptoms vary from case to case and range from mild to severe, but about half of the people with UC have mild symptoms. Symptoms can develop gradually or come on suddenly, but most people experience reoccurring flare-ups between periods of remission.

While the cause of depression is still being studied, scientists believe a combination of genetic, biological and environmental factors may lead a person to become depressed. Currently, depression seems to occur as a result of abnormalities in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, known as neurotransmitters. It is unknown how the levels of neurotransmitters affect mood, but research shows the levels can be affected by the following factors:

■Family history of depression
■Trauma and stress, such as financial problems, divorce or the death of a loved one
■Pessimistic personality
■Medical conditions, such as heart disease, cancer and HIV
■Certain medicines, such as steroids or narcotics for pain relief
■Substance abuse
■Psychological disorders, such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders and schizophrenia
Treatment Options
The most common treatments for mild and moderate depression are counseling and antidepressant medicine, or a combination of the two. Doctors may also recommend electroconvulsive therapy, a procedure that uses an electrical current to change a patient's brain chemistry, which can help alleviate the symptoms of depression. Alternative treatments may also be used, including herbal remedies, exercise, meditation and fasting. In more severe cases a patient may require psychiatric hospitalization to prevent self-harm or residential treatment, which offers a supportive place to live. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the disease, as well as how a patient has responded to previous treatments.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor.
Sourc: here

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Time To Remember

Every day is a time to remember our loved ones who have passed away. Holidays are no different.

Pick a time each day to remember and honor loved ones who are gone. Pick a place that means something to you and to those who are gone. My special place is my kitchen table. Light a candle and place it in the center of the table. Sit there and remember all the good times you had with your loved ones. Honor them by cooking their special food or a favorite meal of theirs. You can also put your favorite pictue of your loved on in the center of the table during the holidays and place a lit candle on each side of it for the centerpiece and ask your guest to share a special memory about your loved one, or just to share something they remember about your loved one that made them special to them.

There are many different ways to remember some one. Donating to their favorite organization, group or charity, planting a tree, volunteering your time to a worthy cause in honor of the loved one. Each person is different and has their own special way of honoring their loved ones who have passed on.

Just the other day my 5 year old grandson was asking me about his Mamaw Rosa. He was talking about the things he remembered doing with her. He even remembered some of the things she had said to him. Children remember more things than we think they do. We talked about Mamaw Rosa for about half an hour then he went to watch cartoons. He looks at pictures of her in both my home and his, and talks about her and ask questions about her being gone. He knows that when you pass away your gone and that you wont see the person again. Once he ask if we could go for a walk and go see Mamaw Rosa and we just told him that where she was at is to far to walk to. That shes in Heave with God and the angels. But that she sees him every day and is watching over him all the time. That some day he will see her again. He was happy with that explanation.

I have some things in and around my home of loved ones that have passed on. I dont need material things to remember them. They all have a special place in my heart. These things were either given to me by my loved ones while they were still living or left to me once they were gone. I will treasure them always, but will treasure the special memories of the good times we had together more.

Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.

Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Traditions

I want to start by posting this link to a Chicken Soup for the Soul story. You can read the story here. Its called The Giving Trees. We have a similar program here but its called Angel Tree.
It has tin soldiers for boys and angels for girls on it.

While growing up we werent poor, but werent rich either. Momma always worked and it seamed like there was just enough money to pay the bills and get the things we needed, with no money left over for the things that we wanted.

As most kids do we always said when we grow up things will be different when we have kids. Thats where this post starts my holiday traditions.

I got married in June and in August I turned 19. Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas was spent with Dales parents and his family at his parents house. The years after that both holidays were spent at our house with both sides of the family invited. Most of my family came since they lived close. Some of Dales family who lived close came. Sometimes his sister who lives in Texas came in for Christmas. His parents always came until they passed away.

I had never cooked a turkey before and my first down home family Thanksgiving, I got up early. Made stuffing the way momma always did. Stuffed the bird and put it in the oven to bake. Went back to bed and got up later to make the dinner. The hot rolls I had planned on making and serving turned out hard as rocks. I threw them out and hurried up and made homemade biscuits for dinner. The turkey was moist and golden brown. The rest of the dinner came out good. We all had a good time.

For both holidays after that first Thanksgiving dinner, we had family come to our house. I did most of the cooking. Family members often brought desserts. All I ask them to bring was themselves and what ever they wanted to drink that was non alocholic. I so looked forward to spending the holidays with family. Up until a couple of years ago that was our holiday tradition for this time of year.

Momma was in a nursing home a couple of years ago and we brought her home for Thanksgiving and Christmas to my youngest sisters house. We both cooked the dinner together. My daughter Nicki cooked a ham and brought it. I did the turkey and stuffing and took it. My sister Granda and her daughter Cassie, did most of the rest of the dinner with Nicki and I helping out. Most of our immediate families were there. We had a good time, good food and that was the last time that we got to spend the holidays with momma. After that Christmas she passed away in February.

Thanksgiving this past year was spent at home with Dale, Nicki and the boys. Christmas this year will be spent with them. The boys are going to their dads on Christmas Eve and home with Nicki on Christmas Day. I will do the cooking, will babysit the boys when Nicki has to leave to go to work. Dale will most likely have to work also. But the best part is that they wont have to work till after dinner.

Momma is gone but not forgotten. She gave us some great memories and started some lasting traditions in our family. I hope that you have your own traditions to pass down to those you love.

May your holiday season be a happy and peaceful one in your own little part of the world.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Christmas Wish List

My Christmas Wish List
~author unknown~

A BOX OF FORGIVENESS ~ so I can give to friends
A HANDFUL OF TEARS ~ to share with those who feel broken
A WARM SCARF ~ to wrap around the hearts of those needing closeness and warmth
SOME WARM AND FUZZY GLOVES ~ to share with those needing warm hands ~ loving hands
A HEART THAT IS NOT BROKEN ~ for one who believes her heart might be
A BEAUTIFUL CLOCK ~ to remind me of the times when I may have over-stepped my boundaries and said more than I should
A SOFT AND MELODIC CD ~ that can soothe the spirit when the spirit becomes flawed
SOME FALL LEAVES ~ to shower around those wanting the changes for their heart and soul
LOVELY CARDS ~ to send to those in need ~ welcoming them to a new day with kindness
WRAPPING PAPERS ~ in colors of the rainbow ~ to lift the spirits ~ to cause laughter and insight
A BOX FILLED WITH LAUGHTER ~ to send to someone who has not laughed or felt the thrill of joy in awhile
A CARTON OF KNOWING ~ so that lifting the spirits of others comes easier and often.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



When I stand up for
myself and my beliefs,
they call me a

When I stand up for
those I love,
they call me a

When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts
or do things my own way, they call me a

Being a bitch
means I won't
compromise what's
in my heart.

It means I live my life MY way.
It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.
When I refuse to
tolerate injustice and
speak against it, I am
defined as a

The same thing happens when I take time for
myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a
little selfish.

It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to
be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of
what they think I 'should' be.

I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.
I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!
So try to stomp on me, just try to douse my inner flame,
Try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed.

And if that makes me a bitch ,so be it.
I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - Control of
H - Herself

B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman

B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle 'anything'

Its not whats on the outside

Its not whats on the outside that makes us the person we are. Its whats on the inside. Whats in our hearts and mind. Stranger on the doorstep is an interesting video about one mans looks and the lady who befriends him, and their bond of friendship. You can watch the video here.

Another video you might like is The Rose Tree Cottage about a couple surviving Cancer.We just need to keep the faith, never give up hoping that all things will work out. You can watch the video here.

Having hope and keeping the faith isnt always easy to do. Some times I wonder how things will ever turn out right. I just pray asking for Gods guidence in the matter and for Him to let me do His will and not mine. God knows what is best for me. I just need to listen with my heart.

I am not perfect and I never will be.But I know I will survive. I believe in myself and my abilities to take care of me and others. I have been a caregiver of one kind or another most of my life. Being a caregiver of those who have major illness is not easy. I get emotionally attached and when losing the one I am caring for is hard.

I hope all is right in your little piece of the world. My happiness, peace, love and hope and joy be yours this holiday season.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday December 6, 2009

I am still not feeling good. I didnt sleep good last night. I coughed off and on all night long. I woke up at 5 this morning. Got up and took meds, ate and went back to bed to cough some more. Was just dozing off when Nicki called to see if I wanted to go with her to pick up Dale at work. So, I got up, got dressed and went with her to get her dad. The house is quiet now. Just the sound of me typing.

My horoscope for today
December 6, 2009
Today's dramatic Leo Moon provokes us to do whatever is necessary to be seen and heard. We won't likely sit on the sidelines now, especially as the Moon moves toward a conjunction with energetic Mars, emboldened by its extended visit to Leo. Expressing ourselves should be easy with eight planets in active fire signs and intellectual airs signs, but we would be wise to consider other people's feelings before doing something that hurts someone we love.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You may respond too quickly to someone's invitation today and find that you have said yes to more than you intended. If you don't take the time to think about what will happen next, you could be surprised that your inflated optimism led you to such a wrong conclusion. There's no need to be overly cautious, but tempering your impulsive enthusiasm just a bit can prevent a difficult situation from developing later on.
By Rick Levine, copyright 2008,

Other tidbits I want to share today:

Are You Aging Gracefully?

Reaching for Grace
You know what aging gracefully would look like, but sometimes you have to stop, take a breath, and remind yourself that there's reason to look forward to the years ahead.

Graceful Age

You are doing a wonderful job of aging with grace, balance, and hope. You are connected in a healthy way to friends and family, see your life as having good stuff both behind and ahead of you, and aren't fighting the natural progress of life into this next, beautiful stage. Keep walking forward, and keep up your inspired outlook.

Working on It
You aren't completely in denial, but you could use some guidance on looking ahead with optimism, hope, and acceptance.

Kicking and Screaming
Simply put, you do not want to get older. Fighting that inevitable process, though, is an emotionally and physically draining proposition, and you could use some perking up.

Quote of the Day

The real test comes when you lose.
Dick Vermeil

Today's Angel Quote

Angel of God who is my guardian, enlighten, watch over, support and rule me, who was entrusted to you by the heavenly piety. Amen.
Catholic prayer

Not sure what I will be doing the rest of the day. Hopefully I can take a nap before going to Nickis to babysit tonight.

I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world today.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Diabetes and Me

I have diabetes. That means I had to make some changes in my life over 10 years ago when I was diagnosed as a diabetic. Let me tell you a little about diabetes.

Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes

Frequent urination
Unusual thirst
Extreme hunger
Unusual weight loss
Extreme fatigue and Irritability

Type 2 Diabetes

Any of the type 1 symptoms
Frequent infections
Blurred vision
Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections

*Often people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms

If you have one or more of these diabetes symptoms, see your doctor right away.

Diabetes Myths

There are many myths about diabetes that make it difficult for people to believe some of the hard facts – such as diabetes is a serious and potentially deadly disease. These myths can create a picture of diabetes that is not accurate and full of stereotypes and stigma.

Recently the American Diabetes Association tested Americans knowledge of common diabetes myths and facts. See how they scored.

Get the facts about diabetes and learn how you can stop diabetes myths and misconceptions.

Myth: Diabetes is not that serious of a disease.

Fact: Diabetes causes more deaths a year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke.

Myth: If you are overweight or obese, you will eventually develop type 2 diabetes.

Fact: Being overweight is a risk factor for developing this disease, but other risk factors such as family history, ethnicity and age also play a role. Unfortunately, too many people disregard the other risk factors for diabetes and think that weight is the only risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Most overweight people never develop type 2 diabetes, and many people with type 2 diabetes are at a normal weight or only moderately overweight.

Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.

Fact: No, it does not. Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors. Being overweight does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories, whether from sugar or from fat, can contribute to weight gain. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight.

Myth: People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.

Fact: A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is generally the same as a healthy diet for anyone – low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Diabetic and “dietetic” foods generally offer no special benefit. Most of them still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive, and can also have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.

Myth: If you have diabetes, you should only eat small amounts of starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes and pasta.

Fact: Starchy foods are part of a healthy meal plan. What is important is the portion size. Whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, rice and starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams, peas and corn can be included in your meals and snacks. The key is portions. For most people with diabetes, having 3-4 servings of carbohydrate-containing foods is about right. Whole grain starchy foods are also a good source of fiber, which helps keep your gut healthy.

Myth: People with diabetes can't eat sweets or chocolate.

Fact: If eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, or combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes. They are no more “off limits” to people with diabetes than they are to people without diabetes.

Myth: You can catch diabetes from someone else.

Fact: No. Although we don’t know exactly why some people develop diabetes, we know diabetes is not contagious. It can’t be caught like a cold or flu. There seems to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle factors also play a part.

Myth: People with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses.

Fact: You are no more likely to get a cold or another illness if you have diabetes. However, people with diabetes are advised to get flu shots. This is because any illness can make diabetes more difficult to control, and people with diabetes who do get the flu are more likely than others to go on to develop serious complications.

Myth: If you have type 2 diabetes and your doctor says you need to start using insulin, it means you’re failing to take care of your diabetes properly.

Fact: For most people, type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease. When first diagnosed, many people with type 2 diabetes can keep their blood glucose at a healthy level with oral medications. But over time, the body gradually produces less and less of its own insulin, and eventually oral medications may not be enough to keep blood glucose levels normal. Using insulin to get blood glucose levels to a healthy level is a good thing, not a bad one.

Myth: Fruit is a healthy food. Therefore, it is ok to eat as much of it as you wish.

Fact: Fruit is a healthy food. It contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. Because fruits contain carbohydrates, they need to be included in your meal plan. Talk to your dietitian about the amount, frequency and types of fruits you should eat.

Having diabetes doesnt mean that I cant live a normal life and do the things that I want to do. It just means that I have to monitor my glucose levels, watch the amoungt of food I eat. It means with diet, exercise and prescribed meds that I control my diabetes and dont let it control me.

With the internet available, there is all kinds of information out for people to do the research on diabetes and any other illness they may care to look up.

Until next time I hope that all is well and you are happy in your little piece of the world.

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Is your peace of mind in the present or is it in the past due to your obsessing?

Obsessive thoughts can interfer with your daily life. Your thoughts get
stuck on something, and like a broken or stuck record you think them over
and over and over. The French call Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
“folie de doute,” or “the doubting disease.” And that’s what obsessions are—a single doubt caught in an endless loop of thoughts.
But even those not diagnosed with OCD can struggle with obsessions. In fact, I have yet to meet a depressive who doesn’t ruminate,
especially in our age of anxiety. Every day gives sensitive types plenty of material to obsess about

Name your fear or doubt. By doing so you can rob it of some of its power
over you. Dont jump to conclusions about your fears and doubts. Dont exagerate or discount the positive by thinking that none of your accomplishments count.
Examine how your fears and doubts effect others and what it is costing you. Decide if it is worth the risk of having them reject you. If they reject you then you are a better person for having told them.

Set a time every day for writing it down in a journal or blog how you are feeling. Writing about fears and doubts can be helpful. Its your way of expressing them even if no one reads then but you from time to time. Write out the obsession on a piece of paper. Then crinkle it up and throw it away. That way you have literally thrown out your obsession.

Dont let your fears, doubts and obsessions drag you down.
Ask yourself:
Do I need to change anything?
Can I change anything?
Can I amend this situation somehow?
Do I have anything I need to do to find peace?
Decide what you can change and what you cant.

Dont obsesse over your mistakes. Not where other people are involved and you hurt them unintentionally. Ask yourself what have you learned from not doing it right the first time.

Dont jump to conclusions about what is going on or has happened that youre obsessing about.
Get all the facts and examine them. Look at them before letting them become an obsession.

Dont give in and refuse to let yourself move ahead. You need to forgive yourself.
Forgiving yourself means concentrating on the insights gained from mistakes, and to let go of the rest.You can still live a full life. You do have people who love you.

Until next time I hope that all is right in your little piece of the world.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Horoscope For today

December 2, 2009
Today's restless Gemini Full Moon at 2:30 am EST increases the tension between our immediate needs and our long-term goals when illuminated by the Sun in far-reaching Sagittarius. Lovely Venus, newly arrived in Sagittarius, joins the Sun and philosophical Mercury to inspire us to extend our thinking beyond our usual limitations. Meanwhile, we don't seem to be able to let go of our attachment to the busyness that has taken over our daily lives.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
This can be quite a social day with the Full Moon visiting your 11th House of Friends. But it can also be somewhat stressful because you might prefer quality one-on-one time with a special companion rather than just being one of the crowd. However, losing yourself in a group does have its own special advantage now, for you can maintain enough anonymity that you won't have to talk about a topic you want to keep to yourself for a while longer.

Guardian Angels

Do you believe in guardian angels? I do. Earlier this morning a friend of mine who lives at the top of the hill of us was taking his kids to school and the brakes went out of his van right as he turned off his street to start down the hill. The van went down over the hill into the trees and brush. He yelled for the kids to get down on the floor and steered the van into a tree so that it wouldnt flip and roll.
Their guardian angel was looking after them this morning. No one got hurt.

My nephews guardian angle watches over him and has kept him safe from 4 bad car wrecks where the vehicles he was driving was totaled.

I believe in guardian angles, miracles and the power of prayer.

Until next time I hope things are good for you in your little piece of the world.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1st Horoscope for Leo

My Horoscope for today.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You are excited when you think about the future, but it's hard to tell if you're just making it all up. Romance may seem quite real to you now as you dangle a carrot in front of yourself in order to get motivated. Regardless of what happens, this is a positive development if it encourages you to take care of business today so you are ready for whatever happens later on.

Do I believe in horoscopes? Yes, to a certain extent. There is so many interputations out there for each zodiac sign and not any two the same. So therefore if I just follow one of them such as the one above from Beliefnet then I can relate so some of them about what is going on in my life on that day.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A New Day A New Beginning

My horoscope for for today kind of fits how I am feeling right now.
This is my horoscope for today

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
You know what you want, but the situation keeps changing like the winds on a spring day. Just as you get comfortable with flying your kite one way, everything shifts and you must readjust your behavior in order to prevent it from crashing down to earth. This would not be a problem, except that you must pay constant attention or suffer the consequences. Maintaining a high level of concentration is your spiritual practice now and if you succeed, the rewards will be worth the wait.

Considering every thing that happened this past week it fits. I knew what I wanted last week and things did keep changing. I wouldnt say it came crashing down, but I think the things that did change, was for the best. It made me realize just who my true internet friends are. As to the rewards part of it, was it worth it? I would say it was. It was a learning experience that I wont forget any time soon and I have learned that I will be more careful who I trust.

The best rewards of last week was working together with Nicki and her friends and getting her car fixed, and getting to spend Thanksgiving day with Dale, Nicki, Josh and Drake.

Until next time I hope all is well in your little piece of the world. May you find peace and happiness today and every day.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Something good happened today. Nicki got her car fixed and it only cost her for the part. A friend fixed it for her. Now thats what I call a friend. Someone that tells you lies and thinks they wont get caught is not a friend and I found out today that I have just such a friend. Smiling. Hey thats ok, she will trip over her lies and she is the one who has to live with knowing she is lying to people who believed in and trusted her.

I am in such a good mood tonight. Feel better than I have for a while other than just being tired. Played in psp and started a new scrapkit. Will work on it more this coming week and for once tonight all is right in my little piece of the world.

Until next time I wish for all to be right in your little piece of the word and may you be happy and healthy.

I Hear You

I heard you this past week. I learned just what kind of back stabbing friends I have.
I learned that from listening that there is no one whom I can count on but myself when dealing with internet friends. Why do I say that? Because things have been said that were lies about me, and the person saying them didnt have the guts to say them to me. Talk about two faced. That person is. Says good things about you when youre around and then trashes you to mutual friends when youre not around. Am I hurt by this?
I was but after thinking about every thing that happened this past week, I am no longer hurt by it. I should of known it would happen again. Yes, it has happened before and I didnt learn from it. But I have learned from it this time. What I have learned is that they no longer have the power to hurt me. That certain friendships werent ment to be. That not all things are what they seem especially people met on the internet. I have forgiven them and will be forgetting in time the hurt they caused. I will be moving on and that some will think they are moving on but in reality they are stuck in the past, cant forgive themself for the mistakes they made. My wish and prayers for those who hurt me and others this past week, may you have another chance to make things right when things go wrong in your life, may you find peace and happiness in all that you do. It has been nice knowing you and learning about the negative side of life from you all.
If your reading this and think its about you then it probaly is about you.
Until next time, may your own little piece of the world bring you peace and happiness

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mixed Emotions

I am not sure where I am going with this post this morning or how long it may get. But thats ok. Mixed emotions are my feelings right now and I am not sure how to explain them.

I have been spending my nights at my daughters this week babysitting. I have been unable to check my outlook mail. Well this morning I come home to find out who my real true friends are. By that I mean I thought I knew someone and what I knew would happen has happened. A group of people whom I thought of as close friends and were like family to me for the past year and half has just showed me again that they arent reliable as friends. Some of those people are but for the most part most of them will not keep in touch. Well thats life and I except it and them for what it/they are. People who say one thing but mean something totally different. The ones who will stay in touch are the ones whom I became close to and are the ones who are the true friends you can count on being there for you when you need them. They know who they are.

There is a lot more I could say here but wont. Because I know just how fragile some people are and how whatever any one says they think it is about them even if you clearly state that its not about any one person but people in general.

Do you follow your heart and be true to yourself? Respect yourself for standing up for what you believe in? Or do you watch what you say and only say what you think other people want to hear? Me I say what I am feeling at the time. I have no problem speaking my mind and standing up for myself or someone who is unable to speak up and take their part. By this I mean kids and elderly people.

I will be letting go of some people who have been an important part of my life for well over a year now. But thats all part of life and we just have to learn to let go and move on. I do not believe every thing someone tells me and I know from past experience that what one person said isnt true. That this person has lied before.
I wish her the best that life has to offer and I hope that she finds what she is looking for in her on lil piece of the world. I wish her luck with the things going on in her life and I truly hope that she will be happy in whatever she decides to do with her life.

Until next time may you all find peace and happiness in your own little piece of the world.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Its Snowing

Its cold 31 out and the snow is coming down. It has been snowing since earlier this morning. Our first snowfall this winter.

I love just sitting in front of the window watching the snow fall or out playing with my grandsons in the snow.

When I was growing up, our street got closed cause of the snow and ice and my siblings and I and the kids in our neighborhood used to take our sleds to the top of the hill on our street and go all the way to the bottom of the street and across the street at the bottom of the hill into a vacant lot. Momma use to come outside and make snow angels with us or help us build a huge snowman. She even had snowball fights with us.

My favorite childhood snow memory is when we moved from a huge city to the country. I was in high school then. My brothers, sister and I were in the churchs youth group choir. We had a hay ride one Christmas eve and it was cold and snowing. We went carroling and gave out food baskets. Afterwards, every one came back to our house and Momma served hot chocolate and baked goodies.

That was the good ole days. Things have changed alot since then. I have changed. I became a wife, a mother and a grandmother and I enjoy all of the them. Theres no other feeling like having the boys come back from spending the week at their dads and hugging me and telling me that they missed me and love me.

Its now 12:03 pm and the morning is gone. This morning as now my emotions and feelings are going in different directions.

Until next time I hope you are well and happy and things are good in your little piece of the world.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Do You Know Youre Doing The Right Thing?

How do you know youre doing the right thing in any given situation? Well I would have to say for me its the right thing even if it doesnt turn out the way you envision it turning out. As long as I feel in my heart that its right for me then it is. Others may not see it the way I do. I am not going to let the way others see things differently from the way I do bring me down. Especially when I feel good about the positive results of my actions.

Its late and I have to be up early in the morning so in closing I will say that I hope all is well in your lil part of the world and good night.


Websters defines Friend as one attached to another by affection; a favorer; one who is propitious; favorite

Have you ever really sit down and thought about how your friends effect your life. What kind of impact they have in your daily life?

For me a true friend is a rare person whom I form a special bond with. Some one whom is there for me no matter what. They will be there through the good and bad times. Laugh with me, cry with me and share all aspects of my life. Some one whom I can confide in and know it will go no farther. A person that I would be there for in the same way. A best friend doesnt have to necessary have to see you every day, but is a person who is just a call away when you need then. A best friend isnt good to you to your face and talks about you behind your back. A best friend is willing to get up to mischief with you. A best friend is a person who encourages you to be the best you can be. To support you. Who loves you for the person you are and not for the material things you can give them.

Internet friends are no different to me than a friend whom I see in person. An internet friend is often the one whom I talk to late at night when most people are sleeping. We laugh, we share things about our day, we talk about any thing and every thing. I have a lot of internet friends, some met through yahoo or google groups and some met in unusual ways, like a mishap with email being sent to me when I never even heard of the man before. Through this mishap he and I became the best of friends. Through him I met a lot of other people on a chat site and made more friends. He and I have been friends for about 15 years now.

My best friend though my high school years passed away last year and I miss her. Funny thing is her daughter and 3 grandchilden live beside of my daugher and had live there for a year before I found out she was my best friend from high schools daughter. Her dad was there one day while I was at my daughters. Thats how I found out.

Some of my friends are easier to talk to than others. But that doesnt make them any less of a friend. It just means that I have to work harder to make it a better friendship.

Until next time, I hope all is well in your own little piece of the world.

Positive Thinking

Last night while up with Josh sick, I was thinking about today and how it would go. Dale had to work last night after all and I wasn't sure if he was going to get to come home this weekend or not. But then I thought that if I was thinking more positive thoughts then just maybe God would provide a way for him to come home and spend Thanksgiving with us. He did get to come home this morning. It was just Dale, Nicki and I for dinner. Josh slept most of the day and didn't go to his dads. Drake went and they went to his other grandparents for dinner. When Josh got up he was feeling much better just before they left to go home.

I used an oven bag for my turkey for the first time today. Not sure how it would turn out. The turkey came out great, golden brown and so tender if fell off the bone.

Good things come to those who have positive thoughts and patience. So all in all my day was a good one. I hope yours was to. So until next time be well and happy.

Thanksgiving Morning

It's 6:45 am and I have had 3 hours sleep since 6 am yesterday morning. The house is quiet. All is sleeping but me.

The turkey is in the oven roasting. The pies are baked. The potato salad is made. All that is left to do today for dinner is cook the rest of the meal. Todays menu
stuffing which is home made
mashed potatos
green beans
baked beans
macaroni and cheese
pumpkin and apple pies
hot rolls

The boys are going to their dads this morning and will be back around noon. Thats when we will eat.

I have many things to be thankful for today and every day. Freedom, to live life to the fullest, fair health, true friends and some family members who love me for the person I am, a place to live, food on the table, the oppertunity to spend time with family and friends, doing things together.

The holidays can be a sad time without family members who have passed on. I know that my Momma would want us to have a good and happy holiday without her. Shes gone but not fogotten. I know she's her in spirit. I miss you Momma.

I can smell the turkey cooking. Smells good and making me hungry. Will soon be time for breakfast.

In closing, I wish you all a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving. For those of you traveling I wish you a safe journey.

Until next time be well and happy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


How do I feel tonight?

I feel good about myself and what I believe in. I had decide long ago that if I dont stand up for myself no one will. I decided at the same time that I am not going to let let others push me around. It has been pointed out to me that I am a doormat for my daughter. Well that may be how some sees it but the way I see it,
She is my daughter, the boys are my grandsons and I love all three of them and by babysitting them I am helping her out and I get to spend time with the boys whereas if they had another sitter I wouldnt get to spend that much time with them since they both are in school now. Thats what families do help each other out when they can. She also payes me for babysitting.

Honestly, I could care less what others think about the way I live my life. Its mine to live and I will live it as I see fit. As long as I am happy with the way things are in my life thats all that matters. I respect myself and I respect other people. Other people are entitle to their own opinions about me. Doesnt make their opinion right or wrong. It also dont make my opinions right or wrong.

I am smiling, the boys is here and all is good in my little piece of the world tonight. Tomorrow will be a good and happy Thanksgiving. My hubby doesnt have to work and neither does my daughter. We all will be spending the day together.

Until next time I hope you will be well and happy in your own little piece of the world.

Early Morning Thoughts

The house is quiet for the most part. The furnace just kicked on adding to the sound of the radio coming from Josh's room. Both boys are still sleeping. Its raining. The rain started sometime after midnight. A little over an hour and I will be going home. Thats when my day will start. I am going to do some baking and other things to get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

My thoughts right now are of holidays past an my Mommma. I miss my Momma and spending the holidays with her. I have good memories of the holidays. This holiday season I have things to be thankful. I have a place to live, food to eat, heat to keep me warm, my husband, my daughter and grandsons to spend the holidays with.

Smiling as I think about making stuffing the way Momma taught me to. While growing up Momma gave my younger sister and I the choice of one of use doing the cooking and the other doing the clean up after wards. My sister chose to do the clean up. So this is how I learned to cook. Funny thing is when were grown up and married, it was my sister calling asking me how to make this or that. She still does it 30 years later. Her daughter even does it and so does my daughter.

Do we ever really grow up? I dont think I did. I am still a kid at heart. I love storms, walking in the rain, splashing in mud puddle, getting down in the floor playing with the boys, coloring, and wrestling with them. Giggling an laughing at silly things. Will I ever grow up? Maybe maybe not, my body is aging and with that comes the aches and pains of growing old. I try not to let the aches and pains and my health problems keep me from doing the things I need or want to do.

I would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. May your day today be a peaceful and happy one. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Emotional Abuse


Abuse comes in many forms. I will discuss Emotional Abuse today.

What is Emotional Abuse?

Abuse is any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, intimidation, guilt, coercion, manipulation etc. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as repeated disapproval or even the refusal to ever be pleased.

Emotional abuse is like brain washing in that it systematically wears away at the victim's self-confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept. Whether it is done by constant berating and belittling, by intimidation, or under the guise of "guidance," "teaching", or "advice," the results are similar. Eventually, the recipient of the abuse loses all sense of self and remnants of personal value. Emotional abuse cuts to the very core of a person, creating scars that may be far deeper and more lasting that physical ones. In fact there is research to this effect. With emotional abuse, the insults, insinuations, criticism and accusations slowly eat away at the victim's self-esteem until she is incapable of judging the situation realistically. She has become so beaten down emotionally that she blames herself for the abuse. Her self-esteem is so low that she clings to the abuser.

Types of Emotional Abuse

Abusive Expectations

The other person places unreasonable demands on you and wants you to put everything else aside to tend to their needs.
It could be a demand for constant attention, or a requirement that you spend all your free time with the person.
But no matter how much you give, it's never enough.
You are subjected to constant criticism, and you are constantly berated because you don't fulfill all this person's needs.

Aggressive forms of abuse include name-calling, accusing, blaming, threatening, and ordering. Aggressing behaviors are generally direct and obvious. The one-up position the abuser assumes by attempting to judge or invalidate the recipient undermines the equality and autonomy that are essential to healthy adult relationships. This parent-child pattern of communication (which is common to all forms of verbal abuse) is most obvious when the abuser takes an aggressive stance.
Aggressive abuse can also take a more indirect form and may even be disguised and "helping." Criticizing, advising, offering solutions, analyzing, proving, and questioning another person may be a sincere attempt to help. In some instances however, these behaviors may be an attempt to belittle, control, or demean rather than help. The underlying judgmental "I know best" tone the abuser takes in these situations is inappropriate and creates unequal footing in peer relationships. This and other types of emotional abuse can lead to what is known as learned helplessness.
Constant Chaos

The other person may deliberately start arguments and be in constant conflict with others.
The person may be "addicted to drama" since it creates excitement.

Denying a person's emotional needs, especially when they feel that need the most, and done with the intent of hurting, punishing or humiliating (Examples)
The other person may deny that certain events occurred or that certain things were said. confronts the abuser about an incident of name calling, the abuser may insist, "I never said that," "I don't know what you're talking about," etc. You know differently.
The other person may deny your perceptions, memory and very sanity.
Withholding is another form of denying. Withholding includes refusing to listen, refusing to communicate, and emotionally withdrawing as punishment. This is sometimes called the "silent treatment."
When the abuser disallows and overrules any viewpoints, perceptions or feelings which differ from their own.
Denying can be particularly damaging. In addition to lowering self-esteem and creating conflict, the invalidation of reality, feelings, and experiences can eventually lead you to question and mistrust your own perceptions and emotional experience.
Denying and other forms of emotional abuse can cause you to lose confidence in your most valuable survival tool: your own mind.

Someone wants to control your every action. They have to have their own way, and will resort to threats to get it.
When you allow someone else to dominate you, you can lose respect for yourself.

Emotional Blackmail

The other person plays on your fear, guilt, compassion, values, or other "hot buttons" to get what they want.
This could include threats to end the relationship, totally reject or abandon you, giving you the the "cold shoulder," or using other fear tactics to control you.


The abuser seeks to distort or undermine the recipient's perceptions of their world. Invalidating occurs when the abuser refuses or fails to acknowledge reality. For example, if the recipient tells the person they felt hurt by something the abuser did or said, the abuser might say "You are too sensitive. That shouldn't hurt you." Here is a much more complete description of invalidation

Minimizing is a less extreme form of denial. When minimizing, the abuser may not deny that a particular event occurred, but they question the recipient's emotional experience or reaction to an event. Statements such as "You're too sensitive," "You're exaggerating," or "You're blowing this out of proportion" all suggest that the recipient's emotions and perceptions are faulty and not be trusted.
Trivializing, which occurs when the abuser suggests that what you have done or communicated is inconsequential or unimportant, is a more subtle form of minimizing.
Unpredictable Responses

Drastic mood changes or sudden emotional outbursts. Whenever someone in your life reacts very differently at different times to the same behavior from you, tells you one thing one day and the opposite the next, or likes something you do one day and hates it the next, you are being abused with unpredictable responses.
This behavior is damaging because it puts you always on edge. You're always waiting for the other shoe to drop, and you can never know what's expected of you. You must remain hypervigilant, waiting for the other person's next outburst or change of mood.
An alcoholic or drug abuser is likely to act this way. Living with someone like this is tremendously demanding and anxiety provoking, causing the abused person to feel constantly frightened, unsettled and off balance.
Verbal Assaults

Berating, belittling, criticizing, name calling, screaming, threatening

Excessive blaming, and using sarcasm and humiliation.

Blowing your flaws out of proportion and making fun of you in front of others. Over time, this type of abuse erodes your sense of self confidence and self-worth.

Understanding Abusive Relationships

No one intends to be in an abusive relationship, but individuals who were verbally abused by a parent or other significant person often find themselves in similar situations as an adult. If a parent tended to define your experiences and emotions, and judge your behaviors, you may not have learned how to set your own standards, develop your own viewpoints and validate your own feeling and perceptions. Consequently, the controlling and defining stance taken by an emotional abuser may feel familiar or even conformable to you, although it is destructive.

Recipients of abuse often struggle with feelings of powerlessness, hurt, fear, and anger. Ironically abusers tend to struggle with these same feelings. Abuser are also likely to have been raised in emotionally abusive environments and they learn to be abusive as a way to cope with their own feelings of powerlessness, hurt , fear, and anger. Consequently, abusers may be attracted to people who see themselves as helpless or who have not learned to value their own feelings, perceptions, or viewpoints. This allows the abuser to feel more secure and in control, and avoid dealing with their own feelings, and self-perceptions.

Emotional abuse victims can become so convinced that they are worthless that they believe that no one else could want them. They stay in abusive situations because they believe they have nowhere else to go. Their ultimate fear is being all alone.

Understanding the pattern of your relationships, specially those with family members and other significant people, is a fist step toward change. A lack of clarity about who you are in relationship to significant others may manifest itself in different ways. For example, you may act as an "abuser" in some instances and as a "recipient" in others. You may find that you tend to be abused in your romantic relationships, allowing your partners to define and control you. In friendships, however, you may play the role of abuser by withholding, manipulating, trying to "help" others, etc. Knowing yourself and understanding your past can prevent abuse from being recreated in your life.


Are You Abusive to Yourself?

Often we allow people into our lives who treat us as we expect to be treated. If we feel contempt for ourselves or think very little of ourselves, we may pick partners or significant others who reflect this image back to us. If we are willing to tolerate negative treatment from others, or treat others in negative ways, it is possible that we also treat ourselves similarly. If you are an abuser or a recipient, you may want to consider how you treat yourself. What sorts of things do you say to yourself? Do thoughts such as "I'm stupid" or "I never do anything right" dominate your thinking? Learning to love and care for ourselves increases self-esteem and makes it more likely that we will have healthy, intimate relationships.

This is only small part of emotional abuse. You can find more here is Emotional Abuse?
That is where this information came from.

I will post more on abuse at some other time. I will talk about all differnt kinds of things that interest me or things I think
is import. Because I talk about them dont mean that that is what is going on in my life at the time I post them. Because
I am in a lot of different groups, my interest varies and that dont mean that any of my post is direceted toward any one person
or group. My blogs are all public blogs and are there for any one to read. Its your choice to read them or not. Comments are welcome, positve as
well as negative. I hope that you wont be offend if I address or reply to your comments.

Have a good rest of your day/evening/night.

What A Day Its Been So Far

What a day its been so far and its not over yet.

My sugar levels are running low today, making me not feel well. I walk home from Nicki and come in the kitchen door and the first thing I see is that my carpet is soaking wet. I didnt see the note Dale left telling me what happened. He wasnt home as he had left before I got home to catch the van to the VA Hospital. When he got home about 1 he said the hot water line broke last night that goes to the kitchen sink. Last year during Thanksgiving Week it was my toliet that was leaking and now this. The handyman is out of reach, hes hunting and no phone access. His wife called the landlady and Dale walked over town to get glue to glue the pipe back together. If it wasnt for bad luck I wouldnt have any luck at all!

At least the weather is nicer out today. Cool but sunny. Nice enough to be out walking. I got my exercise for the day. Walked home from Nickis, walked over town and back, and I still have to walk to Nicks tonight to babysit. I dont have to babysit tomorrow or Thanksgiving day. Part of my day tomorrow will be spent baking and getting things ready for Thanksgiving and the other part will be spent resting.

Hope your day has been better than mine has and if it hasnt then I hope it gets better as the day goes on.
Have a good rest of your day/evening/night.

Monday, November 23, 2009

About My Blog

This blog is about me and my thoughts and if it offends
someone or makes them think its about them. Then its
their problem and not mine.
My blog is just my thoughts about life in general and not any one
person but people in general.

Its your choice to read it or not.
I will remain true to myself and be posting how I am feeling
at the time of the posts. For thats what this blog is about
bits and pieces of the world around me as I see it.

I know people have difference of opinions and that doesnt make
them right or wrong. My thoughts/opinions are just that. Mine and
mine alone. No two people think alike. That doesnt make my opinions right or wrong.

If you have comments good or bad please feel free to leave them. It wont
hurt my feelings any if you leave some negative feedback. Who knows I may
even address your concerns in a blog post, or if you would like to keep it
private you can leave me your email addy and I will mail you.

On that note, I will be saying good night and getting ready to leave for
my daughters. Who knows I may even post again tonight from her house or not
depending on how I feel when I get there.

This blog from now on will be about me and my thoughts. Recipes will now be posted to my Friends Cooking Together Blog since I can now get into that account.

Good night, may your slumber be peaceful and restful and may the coming day
bring you peace and happiness.


Positive-Definitely laid down; explicit; absolute; actual; confident; dogmatical; affirmative.

I want to take the confident part of positive and say that I am confident in myself. Even though I do have doubts sometimes about things. I am positive that I can handle just about any thing that comes my way. I am no longer afarid to stand up for what I believe in. If I think youre wrong about something I will tell you. It doesnt mean I am right or youre wrong, it just means I have the courage to let you know how I feel about the situation.

Absolute-Unlimited; unconditional; certain; despotic. This aspect of positive in my life at this time means that I believe in myself. I am the person who I want to be. I respect myself. I respect others until they give me a reason not to. I have the unconditional love and respect of the people who mean the most to me. I return their love and respect them for the person that they are.

Dogmatical/dogmatism/dogmatize- dogmatism is positiveness in assertion; arrogance in opinion. Dogmatize is to assert with undue confidence; to advance with arrogance.
Dogmatism the part about having opinions and being confident enough to express those opinions fits me to a t. I admit that I am very opinionated.

Positives in my life at this time:
Family, friends, belief in myself and my abilities to get things done, not great health but not so bad that it limits me in the things I want to do. A place to live and food on the table. Clothes to wear, the exra things that make daily living more comfortable and easier for me. The list is endless.

I am greatful for the things I have and for those that I dont have that I want but dont necessary have to have to survive, I think I will have them some day. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it is something positive to look forward to.

Now on a lighter note-I am thankful that Nicki has Thanksgiving off. I am looking forward to spending some time with her and the boys. I do miss the boys when they spend the week with their dad. I am always glad to see them when they come home.
I dont even mind when I am babysitting and its a day that they dont have to go to school and Drake comes in early and wakes me up. Like this morning he work me up at 6:45, gave me a hug and said, Nana I'm hungry. Know what I smell? I ask him what he smelled and he said cereal. I got up and the boys and I went downstairs, Josh got himself a poptart while I checked my sugar. Then I made scrambled eggs for breakfast. When I told the boys bye that I was going home, Drake wanted to know how come I was going home. I told him I had things at home to do and I would see him tonight if he wasnt sleeping when I got there or in the morning. He hugged me and said ok.

I walked home and when I got here after messaging Nicki on the pc to let her know I made it home ok, I wrote a check and Dale went to the bank and grocery store. While he was gone I checked my email and when he got back, together we put together beef stew in an oven bag and put it in the oven to bake for dinner. And that was my morning.

I hope you all have a good day/evening/night.



Expectation-act or state of expecting; prospect of good to come;
prospect of reaching a certain age.

My expectations of friends and family is for them to respect me as
a person. Nothing more nothing less. I dont need material things
from them.

With the financial difficulties this year it will be a very lean Christmas
for some families. Some people will spend the day alone while others
celebrate with family and friends. Gift exchanges for my family, will
consist of us just giving gifts to Josh and Drake. I will cook the Christmas
dinner and most likely have the boys part of the day and their Dad will have
them part of the day. Dale and Nicki will probably have to work Christmas

I really dont expect my family or friends to give me a gift for any occassion,
all I ask from them is to come if they can and celebrate with me.

Expecting things from people is not always a good thing. Some people just are
built to give things or do the things others expect from them. People who have
jobs, if they want to keep them then they have to do what their boss expects them
to do and if that is work on the holidays, then they have to work to keep their jobs.

I expect others to hurt me, been there done that and I know it will happen again.
What I dont expect from my so called friends is for them to say that they are
my friend then totally ignore me. Friends that are a friend only when they want
something from me. Well learned a long time ago that friends like that I dont need
complicating my life. I can live with them or without them. Their choice, but also
my choice as to whom I will be friends with. Most of my internet friends I consider
as part of my extended family and I would be very broken hearted to lose their friendship.
Some times life's circumstances causes those friends made on the net to leave. I am sad
when that happens but I understand it has to be that way. Its just part of life.

So, live life to the fullest for you never know if tomorrow will come, no matter what
tell those you love that you love them. Be the person you are and never change for any one,
but yourself. Only you can fullfill your expectations for yourself. Others have to do it for
themselves. I think the less you expect of others the lesse you get hurt.

Enjoy your day/evening/night depending on which part of the world youre in.
Until next time may you be blessed, and stay safe.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Honest and Honor

Honest-on'est, a. Free from Fraud; upright; just; sincere; candid;

Honor-Pronunciation: \ˈä-nər\
a good name or public esteem
a showing of usually merited respect : recognition
one whose worth brings respect or fame
a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity of honor> b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance

synonyms honor, homage, reverence, deference mean respect and esteem
shown to another. honor may apply to the recognition of one's right to great
respect or to any expression of such recognition
. homage adds the implication of accompanying
praise . reverence implies profound respect
mingled with love, devotion, or awe .
deference implies a yielding or submitting to another's judgment or preference
out of respect or reverence .

I think honor is an important part of life. You must first honor yourself. By this
I mean you must respect yourself. You must have good self esteem, if you give
your word to someone I think you should honor it. The only way I break my
word once given is if I am ill and cant do the things I said/promised I would do.
I also call the person whom I have given my word to and let them know that I
am ill and cant do what I promised I would do at that time and ask if I can do
it when I am feeling better.

Honor can mean many different things as you can see from the defination above.
Honor means different things to different people.

I was raised to mean the things I say. To keep promises. To honor my parents,
by showing them respect and to respect those older than me.

I believe that trust and respect go hand in hand and they are not to be given
lightly but to be earned. By this I mean that some one has to earn my trust
and respect for them by thier actions.

I think I have to respect myself before others can respect me. I have to be
truthful and honest about the things going on in my life and except them for
what they are. Deal with them in an honest way, the best way I know how.
Take things one day at a time. Deal with things at the time they happen and
let it go, put it behind me, for its over like the day before is gone. Letting
something go, putting it behind you dont mean that its over, it just means
that your not going to let it drag you down for the rest of your life. It means
your going to get on with your life.

Some times I think I over think things and it gets all blown out of proportion.
Have you ever tried to put yourself in the other persons shoes? Tried to see
how they feel about things? Are you the kind of person who cares and tries to
resolve things without hurting the other persons feelings, do you honor their
wishes when they ask for time and space to work things out in their own way?

They say time heals all wounds. I am not so sure that is true. I think that for
some the wounds appear to be healed on the outside but down deep in their
hearts the wound is still there. Comes out when you least expect it to to torment
us. Thus causing us to deny it ever happened.
(Deny-to declare not to be true; to disavow ; to refuse to grant or acknowledge;
not to afford or yeild.) Causing us to be in self denial mode. By not yeilding to
the other person and thier feelings on the situation. Not acknowledging how
they feel.

Letting go is hard to do. Sometimes I think it we would be better off emotionally
if we just let things go and let time heal the wounds from our emotional distress.
But, and yes there is always a but, we have to want to let go, to be able to actually
let things go and get on with our lives.

People, family and friends are and important part of our life. Our parents shape
our lives while growing up and make us the adults that we become. Based on
how we are raise, I believe is how we see things as adults. Maybe not the way
our parents saw them. After all things change on a daily basis and some times
not for the better.

I only have one daughter, I raised her the best I could. I taught her morals
and values. What she does with the things I taught her is her choice to make.
I may not like her choices, but I have to honor them for she is an adult and
responsible for herself and her actions. I may question her about some decisions
she makes but in the end I tell her that you have to do what ever you think is the
thing for you and the boys. I then support her in the decision she makes.

Its time for me to check my sugar and get breakfast. I hope you have a good day.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life in General

Life in General

Just my thoughts today.

The holidays are almost upon us and has many people depressed and
feeling sorry for themself. Its the time that we all should be thankful
for the things we do have. We have people who care about us in their
own way even if we think they dont love us. We have people who depend
on us even if they think they dont.

Things to be thankful for vary from person to person but here is some
things to be thankful for.

Life-it is what you make of it and should be lived to the fullest every day
for we never know if tomorrow will come for us.

Friends and Family, weather it be a few or a lot, for they are the ones who
love and care about us they way we are. Often forgiving us for the things we
have done to hurt them. Some times forgiving but not forgetting yet not
bringing it up all the time to hurt us.

Our children, no matter how they treat us, should be looked at as a gift.
It is our responsibility to care for them and teach them how to become
responsible adults, to teach them how to deal with things that life throws
at them. We as parents never stop worring about our child/children, no matter
how old they get.

Our health- it could be a lot worse. I could be worse off than I am and I thank
God each night that I am not worse off.

Internet friends who care for us, like us for the person who we are. We may
never meet face to face and yet we can tell each other any thing and in most cases
not be judged by these people. The ones I have met in person are great. Meeting
them just made our friendship grow stronger.

Our grandkids even if they arent a part of our daily life due to circumstances beyond
their control. One day they will be old enough to decide if they want to see us and spend
time with us. I am thankful that my grandsons and step grand children are a part of our
lives even if we dont get to see the step grand children as much as we do the boys.

And there is so much more to be thankful for depending on what is going on in our
every day lives.

Me? I am thankful to be alive to enjoy the upcoming holidays with my family. Dale
and Nicki will be working nights but will be spending all or part of the day with
me and Nickis boys, Josh and Drake.

We all have our daily problems and it is up to us to learn to deal with them in the best
way we know how. In ways that we wont lose our self respect and in ways
that will hurt us the least emotionally so that we can get on with our lives.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chicken With Butter

Chicken With Butter

A dish that can be made for dinner thats tasty and served with rice and roti or puri.


1 kg chicken breast or strips
1 cup fresh cream
1 cup yogurt
2 tsp. masala
2 red chili
1/2 tsp. tumeric powder
1/2 tsp. jeera* powder
1/2 tsp. coriander powder
125 gram tomato puree
1 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. garlic
1 tsp. fine salt
125 gram butter
*Jeera powder is better known as cumin in the U.S.

Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

Fast and kids love it (great for leftover turkey or chicken)


2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 can cooked chicken or 1 chicken breast cooked and cut up
1 cup Bisquick (or low fat Bisquick)
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1 cup frozen peas and carrots


Spray 9x9 inch or similar size pan with Pam. Mix the 2 cans of cream of chicken soup in a large bowl. Add the chicken and vegetables and stir well. Pour into baking pan.

Rinse your bowl and mix the Bisquick, milk and egg. Stir well and pour over the top of the chicken mixture.

Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes.

Servings: 4
Time: 5 Minutes Preparation Time
25 Minutes Cooking Time

Source: A friend; however I believe this was once a Campbell's soup recipe

By kmcb59 from Washignton State

Deep Dish Apple Pie

Deep Dish Apple Pie

Servings: 16
Preparation Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 55 min.

¦2 Lbs. apple\cooked, peeled and sliced
¦1/2 cup quick cooking tapioca
¦2 Tbs. lemon juice
¦2 tsp. cinnamon
¦1-1/3 cups sugar
¦2-1/4 cups all purpose flour
¦1 tsp. salt (necessary)
¦3/4 cup butter flavor shortening
¦1/3 cup iced water
This Recipe is considered:
Low Cholesterol

Cooking Directions:
Combine apple slices, tapioca and lemon juice in a 9 x 13 inches glass baking dish. Stir in cinnamon, 1-1/4 cup sugar and a dash of salt. Let stand 15 minutes to soften tapioca, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, mix flour and salt in another bowl. Cut in shortening until it resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in ice water lightly with a fork until dough just holds together. Preheat oven to 375° F. Shape dough into a 5 x 7 inches rectangle. Place on a lightly floured work surface and roll out to about 10 x 14 inches using a floured rolling pin. Place dough over apples. Trim edge, leaving at least 1-0/1 inch overhang. Fold overhang under and make a fluted edge. Cut 3 slits in crust. Brush top of crust with water and sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake 55 minutes or until bubbly and crust is golden. Cool on wire rack.

Per Serving: calories 327, fat 10.9g, calories from fat 30%, protein 2.0g, cholesterol 0.0mg, dietary fiber 5.2g

Nutrients Exchanges
Calories 327 Milk Exchanges 0.0
Protein 2.0g Vegetable Exchanges 0.0
Carbohydrates 59.6g Fruit Exchanges 1.7
Dietary Fiber 5.2g Bread Exchanges 0.7
Sugar 37.4g Other Carbohydrates/Sugar Exchanges 1.2
Fat Total 10.9g Lean Meat Exchanges 0.0
Saturated Fat 3.5g Very Lean Meat/Protein Exchanges 0.0
Mono-unsaturated Fat 4.7g Fat Exchanges 1.9
Poly-unsaturated Fat 2.8g
% Calories from Fat 30%
Cholesterol 0.0mg
Sodium 146.1mg
Vitamins Minerals
Vitamin A 8.6IU Calcium 19.3mg
Thiamin (B1) 0.4mg Copper 0.8mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.4mg Iron 1.4mg
Niacin (B3) 2.3mg Magnesium 12.4mg
Vitamin B6 0.9mg Manganese 1.1mg
Vitamin B12 0.0mcg Phosphorus 30.3mg
Vitamin C 10.7mg Potassium 217.6mg
Vitamin E 2.1IU Selenium 6.1mcg
Folate 9.5mcg Sodium 146.1mg
Pantothenic Acid 1.1mg Zinc 0.9mg