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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Its Been A Long Time

Its been some time since I posted here. Things have happened this summer that were unexpected. My husband being in the hospital. Having stints put in his leg and having to go on blood thinners. He is at the point now with the blood thinners that he only has to go every 2 weeks and get blood work done. They usually change the dosage of his blood thinner pills evey time he goes. Hes doing really well on them and his blood is where they want it to be.

Drake played t-ball and I went to almost all of his games. Both the boys are now playing soccer and I go to most of their games.

School will be starting soon. Josh will be going into the 6th grade and Drake will be starting kindergarden. Its going to be odd not having drake around during the day. Kids grow up so fast. I sure will miss spending lots of time with Josh and Drake when school starts.

As for me, my sugar levels have been a little high, but the dr said they still looked good. My feet and ankles have been swelling from the heat. Its been one of the hottest summers we have had for a long time. The humidity is high every day.
Also, I am going to have a place removed on my shoulder, have my eyes checked and some other test done.

I have been working on some new kits, just one, but have several ideals for more.
My newest kits is called Mix n Match. It is kind of going to be like a mystery grab bag with a preview of one each for papers, elemsnts and frames. I should have it on my Beccas Unique Attic Treasures Blog some time next week.

I hope the summer has been kind to you and yours. Until next time I hope all is well in your own little piece of the world.