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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Family Traditions

Family is an important part of my life. Family members made me the
person I am. They play an important role in my live and this holiday season, I found out just how much of a role they have in my life and the way I feel.

A family member whom I have always been very close to and trusted with many things that was going on in my life through out the years of growing
up broke that trust. Advice that I was given, deal with it and move on. Easier said than done. Will that trust be regained? Thats a question that at this time I have no answer for. Only time will tell.

This broken trust involved more than just the one family member. It involved several members of my family and this holiday season. Those
members that it involves are no longer a part of my life. Does this bother me, yes and no. Yes, because I was just getting to know this part of my family and no because, my growing up years this side of the family was unknown to me. They came into my life unexpectedly. Was a part of my life for a couple of years or so and I was just getting to know them. Well, now I know that they are a part of my life that I can live without. I had lived without them for over 40 + years.

Why do I feel this way? Because it all started with them and some family drama they were having over the holidays. I believe holidays are about family and family traditions. I believe that while growing up kids have the stability of their parents family traditions. I also believe that when a child/children becomes an adult and starts a family of their own, that its ok for them to start their own family traditions. I also think that their parents and other family members should respect them for wanting to have their own holiday traditions.

To me it doesnt matter what day I celebrate a holiday on as long as my family is there. The place where the holiday isnt important either. What is important to me is that those that I love and care about are there celebrating with me. Its the greatest gift of all, the gift of time with family. Sharing a meal and feeling the love and happines of being with those I love an care about. Making a shared memory of being a part of a family, a part of a family tradition be it an old family tradition or a new family tradition in the making.

Family traditions come and family traditions go, changing along the way an mine this holiday season is changing. Will I be happy with the changes? Yes, I will still be with the ones I love sharing the holiday. As for the family who wont be here this holiday season, whose to say if they will be happy with their holiday and the way they brought about the changes. Is it worth losing family over some of the family wanting to start their own traditions for their children? I would say for me yes, if this is the way family is going to act every holiday, then I dont need the drama, or the stress.

Am I happy with the way things turned out? Yes and no, I found out who I could and couldnt trust and just how some people really are. So with all that said I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous and Happy New Year filled with peace, love and happiness.
So until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.