Family is an important part of my life. Family members made me the
person I am. They play an important role in my live and this holiday season, I found out just how much of a role they have in my life and the way I feel.
A family member whom I have always been very close to and trusted with many things that was going on in my life through out the years of growing
up broke that trust. Advice that I was given, deal with it and move on. Easier said than done. Will that trust be regained? Thats a question that at this time I have no answer for. Only time will tell.
This broken trust involved more than just the one family member. It involved several members of my family and this holiday season. Those
members that it involves are no longer a part of my life. Does this bother me, yes and no. Yes, because I was just getting to know this part of my family and no because, my growing up years this side of the family was unknown to me. They came into my life unexpectedly. Was a part of my life for a couple of years or so and I was just getting to know them. Well, now I know that they are a part of my life that I can live without. I had lived without them for over 40 + years.
Why do I feel this way? Because it all started with them and some family drama they were having over the holidays. I believe holidays are about family and family traditions. I believe that while growing up kids have the stability of their parents family traditions. I also believe that when a child/children becomes an adult and starts a family of their own, that its ok for them to start their own family traditions. I also think that their parents and other family members should respect them for wanting to have their own holiday traditions.
To me it doesnt matter what day I celebrate a holiday on as long as my family is there. The place where the holiday isnt important either. What is important to me is that those that I love and care about are there celebrating with me. Its the greatest gift of all, the gift of time with family. Sharing a meal and feeling the love and happines of being with those I love an care about. Making a shared memory of being a part of a family, a part of a family tradition be it an old family tradition or a new family tradition in the making.
Family traditions come and family traditions go, changing along the way an mine this holiday season is changing. Will I be happy with the changes? Yes, I will still be with the ones I love sharing the holiday. As for the family who wont be here this holiday season, whose to say if they will be happy with their holiday and the way they brought about the changes. Is it worth losing family over some of the family wanting to start their own traditions for their children? I would say for me yes, if this is the way family is going to act every holiday, then I dont need the drama, or the stress.
Am I happy with the way things turned out? Yes and no, I found out who I could and couldnt trust and just how some people really are. So with all that said I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous and Happy New Year filled with peace, love and happiness.
So until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Summer is Over
It's been a long hot summer and now that it's fall I love the warm breezy days and the cooler nights.
Both the boys are in school. Nicki is going to school and I pick the boys up after school.
Some family things have been going on and then there is some things going on with some of my so called friends. So called because they are here talking to me on the net when they want something from me, pc help, just to vent to, etc. Then they disappear for days at a time. This is me time. Not venting to any one person and if youre a follower of my blog, I an not particularly venting to you. Just my thoughts and feelings here.
I belong to a lot of yahoo groups, well the topic in one of them was deception this week and how it makes us feel. Well, some one who came into my life about 3 years ago called me over the weekend and make such a big deal about visiting me today. It didnt happen. I didnt think it would. So I wasnt really decieved. Then they called me earlier tonight and made such a big deal out of why they couldnt visit me today. And how maybe next time they come in or I could come visit them. Well......its not going to be me going to see them. And if they come here again, I am more than ok with it if they dont come to visit me. Some things are going to be changing in my life soon and they well be for the better.
I dont want people who feel obligated for whatever reason to come and visit. I dont need people like that in my life. Some people when they talk to you in person or on the phone its all about them and you cant get a word in edgewise. Well those people wont be hearing from me either any more. If they call me I might or might not answer my phone and I might or might not return their calls. To those people who said keep in touch, I am tired of being the one who calls and then gets brushed off after listening to all your problems. Well... that to is going to change, I am done listening. I dont need need you either.
What I did this summer. Spent a lot of time with my grandsons. Drake played t ball, both boys played soccer, and Drake is playing Little Raiders Flag Football. His last game is at home this Sunday at noon. I also spent time with my sister in law. We had a good time while she was here. We went places and did things.
Dale is doing better after having stents put in his leg back in may. He is on a blood thinner and going to get blood work done every 3 weeks, to make sure the blood thinner is working.
This week is the Black Walnut Festival. Tomorrow I am going to take the boys to look at the exhibits and to walk around and look at the carnival rides. Drake got off the school bus this evening all exicite. He said nana nana guess what? When I ask him what he said I saw Grandpa Crachet today. Grandpa Crachet is a puppet show that is free during the festival. I will be busy the rest of this week and weekend doing festival things. I will have pics posted on my face book of the festival and maybe some here.
Its getting late and tomorrow is going to be a long day. I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world. So until next time, be well and safe.
Both the boys are in school. Nicki is going to school and I pick the boys up after school.
Some family things have been going on and then there is some things going on with some of my so called friends. So called because they are here talking to me on the net when they want something from me, pc help, just to vent to, etc. Then they disappear for days at a time. This is me time. Not venting to any one person and if youre a follower of my blog, I an not particularly venting to you. Just my thoughts and feelings here.
I belong to a lot of yahoo groups, well the topic in one of them was deception this week and how it makes us feel. Well, some one who came into my life about 3 years ago called me over the weekend and make such a big deal about visiting me today. It didnt happen. I didnt think it would. So I wasnt really decieved. Then they called me earlier tonight and made such a big deal out of why they couldnt visit me today. And how maybe next time they come in or I could come visit them. Well......its not going to be me going to see them. And if they come here again, I am more than ok with it if they dont come to visit me. Some things are going to be changing in my life soon and they well be for the better.
I dont want people who feel obligated for whatever reason to come and visit. I dont need people like that in my life. Some people when they talk to you in person or on the phone its all about them and you cant get a word in edgewise. Well those people wont be hearing from me either any more. If they call me I might or might not answer my phone and I might or might not return their calls. To those people who said keep in touch, I am tired of being the one who calls and then gets brushed off after listening to all your problems. Well... that to is going to change, I am done listening. I dont need need you either.
What I did this summer. Spent a lot of time with my grandsons. Drake played t ball, both boys played soccer, and Drake is playing Little Raiders Flag Football. His last game is at home this Sunday at noon. I also spent time with my sister in law. We had a good time while she was here. We went places and did things.
Dale is doing better after having stents put in his leg back in may. He is on a blood thinner and going to get blood work done every 3 weeks, to make sure the blood thinner is working.
This week is the Black Walnut Festival. Tomorrow I am going to take the boys to look at the exhibits and to walk around and look at the carnival rides. Drake got off the school bus this evening all exicite. He said nana nana guess what? When I ask him what he said I saw Grandpa Crachet today. Grandpa Crachet is a puppet show that is free during the festival. I will be busy the rest of this week and weekend doing festival things. I will have pics posted on my face book of the festival and maybe some here.
Its getting late and tomorrow is going to be a long day. I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world. So until next time, be well and safe.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Its Been A Long Time
Its been some time since I posted here. Things have happened this summer that were unexpected. My husband being in the hospital. Having stints put in his leg and having to go on blood thinners. He is at the point now with the blood thinners that he only has to go every 2 weeks and get blood work done. They usually change the dosage of his blood thinner pills evey time he goes. Hes doing really well on them and his blood is where they want it to be.
Drake played t-ball and I went to almost all of his games. Both the boys are now playing soccer and I go to most of their games.
School will be starting soon. Josh will be going into the 6th grade and Drake will be starting kindergarden. Its going to be odd not having drake around during the day. Kids grow up so fast. I sure will miss spending lots of time with Josh and Drake when school starts.
As for me, my sugar levels have been a little high, but the dr said they still looked good. My feet and ankles have been swelling from the heat. Its been one of the hottest summers we have had for a long time. The humidity is high every day.
Also, I am going to have a place removed on my shoulder, have my eyes checked and some other test done.
I have been working on some new kits, just one, but have several ideals for more.
My newest kits is called Mix n Match. It is kind of going to be like a mystery grab bag with a preview of one each for papers, elemsnts and frames. I should have it on my Beccas Unique Attic Treasures Blog some time next week.
I hope the summer has been kind to you and yours. Until next time I hope all is well in your own little piece of the world.
Drake played t-ball and I went to almost all of his games. Both the boys are now playing soccer and I go to most of their games.
School will be starting soon. Josh will be going into the 6th grade and Drake will be starting kindergarden. Its going to be odd not having drake around during the day. Kids grow up so fast. I sure will miss spending lots of time with Josh and Drake when school starts.
As for me, my sugar levels have been a little high, but the dr said they still looked good. My feet and ankles have been swelling from the heat. Its been one of the hottest summers we have had for a long time. The humidity is high every day.
Also, I am going to have a place removed on my shoulder, have my eyes checked and some other test done.
I have been working on some new kits, just one, but have several ideals for more.
My newest kits is called Mix n Match. It is kind of going to be like a mystery grab bag with a preview of one each for papers, elemsnts and frames. I should have it on my Beccas Unique Attic Treasures Blog some time next week.
I hope the summer has been kind to you and yours. Until next time I hope all is well in your own little piece of the world.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mothers and Daughters
Mothers and daughters often have a special bond from the day they are born. That bond grows stronger as each day goes by. Then the rebellious teen years begin.
We expect a lot from our children and want the best for them. They think we owe them the world. Should give them what they want when they want it. They often think they shouldnt have to work and pay for any thing that they want.
I worked from the time I was 13. Started out baby sitting. Worked during the summer on the Summer Youth program all 4 of my high school years to pay for the things I needed for shcool. Worked my senior year in the kitchen at school to pay
for all the things I needed for graduation.
You guessed it. I did things that momma said I couldnt do. When I got caught I took the punishment. I was also resentful toward momma and my younger brother and sister. I got punished for things they did. When I was 18 I was told I had to get a job, pay my momma and step dad to live in their house and if I didnt I could get out. So I left and moved in with one of my older sisters to baby sit her kids. Dale and I got married shortly after that. I was told I wasnt allowed to visit my momma or siblings. Because my step father didnt like Dale. Well he didnt like me either. Wasnt any love lost. If I could go back and change things would I? No, for the simple fact that the past made me the person I am today. Taught me that I could make it on my own. That no one but me was responsible for me but me.
My relationship with my daughter while she was growing up was pretty good. Once she got married it changed. She got married when she was 18. We had our rough patches but always got past them. There were times when we both said things to each other when we were mad. Once we cooled down and thought about things we made up.
Today, we still have our differences and respect each other. We talk about any thing and everything.
I think that once a person reaches 18, that we as parents have to learn to let go. Let them be the adults that they think they are. They are going to do whatever they want to, no matter what/how we feel about it. We can only be there for them when they let us. We need to learn to let them make mistakes and hope and pray that they learn from those mistakes. I know it was hard on me letting go. I didnt like some of the things my daughter did once she was out on her owm and often voiced my opinion to her. She told me it was her life and she could do whatever she wanted. She was right. It is her life, and she has the right as an adult to choose how she wants to live it. I may not always agree with her decisions, but have learned not to voice my opinions or objections to her. If and when she wants them and ask, then yes, I will give them to her.
This has been a long week with Drake sick and Nicki working 7 days this week. I am tired and having problems with my sugar going up and down. Not been sleeping much. But as a friend says, we are women we will survive. Yes, I will survive.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
We expect a lot from our children and want the best for them. They think we owe them the world. Should give them what they want when they want it. They often think they shouldnt have to work and pay for any thing that they want.
I worked from the time I was 13. Started out baby sitting. Worked during the summer on the Summer Youth program all 4 of my high school years to pay for the things I needed for shcool. Worked my senior year in the kitchen at school to pay
for all the things I needed for graduation.
You guessed it. I did things that momma said I couldnt do. When I got caught I took the punishment. I was also resentful toward momma and my younger brother and sister. I got punished for things they did. When I was 18 I was told I had to get a job, pay my momma and step dad to live in their house and if I didnt I could get out. So I left and moved in with one of my older sisters to baby sit her kids. Dale and I got married shortly after that. I was told I wasnt allowed to visit my momma or siblings. Because my step father didnt like Dale. Well he didnt like me either. Wasnt any love lost. If I could go back and change things would I? No, for the simple fact that the past made me the person I am today. Taught me that I could make it on my own. That no one but me was responsible for me but me.
My relationship with my daughter while she was growing up was pretty good. Once she got married it changed. She got married when she was 18. We had our rough patches but always got past them. There were times when we both said things to each other when we were mad. Once we cooled down and thought about things we made up.
Today, we still have our differences and respect each other. We talk about any thing and everything.
I think that once a person reaches 18, that we as parents have to learn to let go. Let them be the adults that they think they are. They are going to do whatever they want to, no matter what/how we feel about it. We can only be there for them when they let us. We need to learn to let them make mistakes and hope and pray that they learn from those mistakes. I know it was hard on me letting go. I didnt like some of the things my daughter did once she was out on her owm and often voiced my opinion to her. She told me it was her life and she could do whatever she wanted. She was right. It is her life, and she has the right as an adult to choose how she wants to live it. I may not always agree with her decisions, but have learned not to voice my opinions or objections to her. If and when she wants them and ask, then yes, I will give them to her.
This has been a long week with Drake sick and Nicki working 7 days this week. I am tired and having problems with my sugar going up and down. Not been sleeping much. But as a friend says, we are women we will survive. Yes, I will survive.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today there is all kinds of emotions/feelings/thoughts or
whatever you want to call them running through my mind.
Not even sure how to describe how I am feeling.
Memories of family, some good and some painful. Some happy
good thoughts and some sad lonely thoughts.
Where to start.
Perhaps with this, its some thing I heard on tv last night.
"The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude that you
put in it". I think for me, this is very true. When I was younger,
I had a I dont care attitude about many things. I acted like nothing
could get me down. But that wasnt true. I got hurt just like any one
else. I just didnt let people see it or any one get close to me. When
I got older, I had friends that I hung out with. But not any one that
I was felt really close to except my youngest sister. But I never really
told her how I felt alot of times. She and I had our arguement and
parting of the ways more than once. But we always made up and
remain close all these years later.
Attitude as defined by merriam-webster
1 : the arrangement of the parts of a body or figure : posture
2 : a position assumed for a specific purpose,a threatening attitude
3 : a ballet position similar to the arabesque in which the raised leg is bent at the knee
4 : a mental position with regard to a fact or state, a helpful attitude b : a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state
5 : the position of an aircraft or spacecraft determined by the relationship between its axes and a reference datum (as the horizon or a particular star)
6 : an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus (as an object, concept, or situation)
7 : a negative or hostile state of mind b : a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner
The attitude of today will effect how I interact with the boys this afternoon and evening and of course
the attitude they have when they get home from their dads effect how we interact with each other.
Some days my attitude is I just dont care. Yeah, right what ever, and other days I am happy go lucky
and carefree an nothing much could bring me down. I know I am tired and rambling. Oh, well,
and here again it is attitude, its my blog and its ok to ramble if I want to right?
Grrrrrrrr I dont like feeling this way and not knowing exactly what the feeling is. But, thats life. My life
in general a lot of times.
My attitude about the past? It can only hurt me if I let it. Do I let it hurt me? Sure do. Its what has made
me the person I am today. The hurt and pain caused me to learn how to be strong and to stand up for the
things I believe in. How to openly speak my mind, some times causing others pain, but telling the truth and
being honest about how i feel about things. That to is all part of living life.
End of ramble for now. Time to go back to bed. When I get up I have things to do before going to babysit.
I cant say that the next time wont be rambling. It will be what it is that I am feeling at the time.
So until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Today there is all kinds of emotions/feelings/thoughts or
whatever you want to call them running through my mind.
Not even sure how to describe how I am feeling.
Memories of family, some good and some painful. Some happy
good thoughts and some sad lonely thoughts.
Where to start.
Perhaps with this, its some thing I heard on tv last night.
"The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude that you
put in it". I think for me, this is very true. When I was younger,
I had a I dont care attitude about many things. I acted like nothing
could get me down. But that wasnt true. I got hurt just like any one
else. I just didnt let people see it or any one get close to me. When
I got older, I had friends that I hung out with. But not any one that
I was felt really close to except my youngest sister. But I never really
told her how I felt alot of times. She and I had our arguement and
parting of the ways more than once. But we always made up and
remain close all these years later.
Attitude as defined by merriam-webster
1 : the arrangement of the parts of a body or figure : posture
2 : a position assumed for a specific purpose,a threatening attitude
3 : a ballet position similar to the arabesque in which the raised leg is bent at the knee
4 : a mental position with regard to a fact or state, a helpful attitude b : a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state
5 : the position of an aircraft or spacecraft determined by the relationship between its axes and a reference datum (as the horizon or a particular star)
6 : an organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus (as an object, concept, or situation)
7 : a negative or hostile state of mind b : a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner
The attitude of today will effect how I interact with the boys this afternoon and evening and of course
the attitude they have when they get home from their dads effect how we interact with each other.
Some days my attitude is I just dont care. Yeah, right what ever, and other days I am happy go lucky
and carefree an nothing much could bring me down. I know I am tired and rambling. Oh, well,
and here again it is attitude, its my blog and its ok to ramble if I want to right?
Grrrrrrrr I dont like feeling this way and not knowing exactly what the feeling is. But, thats life. My life
in general a lot of times.
My attitude about the past? It can only hurt me if I let it. Do I let it hurt me? Sure do. Its what has made
me the person I am today. The hurt and pain caused me to learn how to be strong and to stand up for the
things I believe in. How to openly speak my mind, some times causing others pain, but telling the truth and
being honest about how i feel about things. That to is all part of living life.
End of ramble for now. Time to go back to bed. When I get up I have things to do before going to babysit.
I cant say that the next time wont be rambling. It will be what it is that I am feeling at the time.
So until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Please Help
My friend Crystal ask me to post this to any one and every one I know.
This is a raffle for Cancer Research. What is being raffled off you ask. A basket of goodies from Avon. You can see the basket and get all the raffle info here.
This is a raffle for Cancer Research. What is being raffled off you ask. A basket of goodies from Avon. You can see the basket and get all the raffle info here.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My Weekend
All this past week, Drake kept asking me when we were going to "Aunt Granda's". Shes his great aunt. He got all excited and was jumping up and down yelling yipeeee when I told him Saturday evening that that was Aunt Granda on the phone and that she would be here soon to pick us up.
Josh, Drake and I went to spend Saturday night with her. We got up this morning and went to church with her to surprise our baby brother Rick. He was teaching his first Sunday School class. She also had a surprise for her hubby Tom, their daughter Cassie also came to church. Ricks wife Sharon knew we were coming.
Last night on the way to Granda's house we stopped and got pizza and ice cream. Went to her house and made pizza and had ice cream. The boys loved playing with her dog Rags, a pom yorkie mix. Got up this morning, made breakfast, got the boys and myself ready for church. The look on Ricks face, when he walked in and saw all of us there. Wish I had a pic. We came home after church and dropped the boys off at their house so they could go to their dads. Then Granda and I went to Peking for a late lunch. We all had a great time and looking forward to spending more time with Granda and Tom.
All was right in my own little piece of the world this weekend. So until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Josh, Drake and I went to spend Saturday night with her. We got up this morning and went to church with her to surprise our baby brother Rick. He was teaching his first Sunday School class. She also had a surprise for her hubby Tom, their daughter Cassie also came to church. Ricks wife Sharon knew we were coming.
Last night on the way to Granda's house we stopped and got pizza and ice cream. Went to her house and made pizza and had ice cream. The boys loved playing with her dog Rags, a pom yorkie mix. Got up this morning, made breakfast, got the boys and myself ready for church. The look on Ricks face, when he walked in and saw all of us there. Wish I had a pic. We came home after church and dropped the boys off at their house so they could go to their dads. Then Granda and I went to Peking for a late lunch. We all had a great time and looking forward to spending more time with Granda and Tom.
All was right in my own little piece of the world this weekend. So until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It Is What It Is
It is what it is means that this is my blog where I come to be me. The person that I am and the way that I see the world around me. Where I dont have to watch what I say for fear of offending some one. My blog is public and any one can read it and comment. That is your choice to read or not read it.
I am tired of people taking things the wrong way and turning things I say or post around to make it about them, when its not. Well from now on I will be saying what I think and feel about things and if you think its about you then it is because youre the one making it about you.
I have never hidden the fact that I am very opinionated. I say what I think. Just because I express my opinion doesnt make it right or wrong. Its just that, my opinion on the topic or situation as I see it.
I do not talk about people behind their back. I say it to their face. I hope that when my friends have a problem with something I said or did that they will come and talk to me about it. If not and they talk to some one else about it (gossip or whatever you want to call it) the way I see it.......good they are letting some one else rest who cant take it.
Do I care what people think of me? Of course I do but I dont let their negative feelings bring me down. I see it as something to work on so that the relationship I have with that person will benefit from it. But..........and yes there is always a "but" if it doesnt make the relationship/friendship better for either of us then just maybe it wasnt ment to be. In this case I just try my best to get a long with that person. I WILL NOT CHANGE THE PERSON WHO I AM FOR ANY ONE BUT MYSELF. You are either my friend because you like me the way I am or not. Either way I harbor no hard feelings against any one who feels that we cant be friends based on things that happened while trying out new friendshipf. Its ok not to like every one in the world around you.
I dont mince my words with the people in my daily life and I am not going to start doing it now in the things I post here. That isnt me. This is the real me that post things here.
If a post here refers to some one specific then I will say so. I dont always mention the persons name but will mention something specific so if they read this they will know it is about them. Only something they would know.
There were some very good positives going on in my world this week. Things worked out for the best and will benefit the people involved in these positives for a long time to come.
A positive I am looking forward to this weekend is spending time with my youngest sister, Granda. I will be taking Josh and Drake with me. We will be leaving some time Saturday and going to Grandas house to spend the night. Going to her church Sunday morning so I can be there when my baby brother Rick teaches his first Sunday school class. After church, we will be coming home so the boys can get ready to go to their dads for the coming week. Granda and I have always been close. Always will be close to her. We have had our differences and always made up. I think family is important. Not all my siblings are a part of my life and that is ok. It makes me sad but I can handle it. Some family members live to far away, but do keep in touch. Not often but occassionally is fine with me.
I learned something this week about one of my older brothers through Face Book. He read something I posted to notes and was concerned about me. Showes me that he does care although we dont talk often. Made me feel good knowing he cares.
I have friends from all walks of life and from around the world in many different countries. Some have my home phone number and if I am not online, they get concerned for my well being and call me. It makes me feel good to know that they care. I also feel the same way about them and call them if they are not online for a while.
So until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
I am tired of people taking things the wrong way and turning things I say or post around to make it about them, when its not. Well from now on I will be saying what I think and feel about things and if you think its about you then it is because youre the one making it about you.
I have never hidden the fact that I am very opinionated. I say what I think. Just because I express my opinion doesnt make it right or wrong. Its just that, my opinion on the topic or situation as I see it.
I do not talk about people behind their back. I say it to their face. I hope that when my friends have a problem with something I said or did that they will come and talk to me about it. If not and they talk to some one else about it (gossip or whatever you want to call it) the way I see it.......good they are letting some one else rest who cant take it.
Do I care what people think of me? Of course I do but I dont let their negative feelings bring me down. I see it as something to work on so that the relationship I have with that person will benefit from it. But..........and yes there is always a "but" if it doesnt make the relationship/friendship better for either of us then just maybe it wasnt ment to be. In this case I just try my best to get a long with that person. I WILL NOT CHANGE THE PERSON WHO I AM FOR ANY ONE BUT MYSELF. You are either my friend because you like me the way I am or not. Either way I harbor no hard feelings against any one who feels that we cant be friends based on things that happened while trying out new friendshipf. Its ok not to like every one in the world around you.
I dont mince my words with the people in my daily life and I am not going to start doing it now in the things I post here. That isnt me. This is the real me that post things here.
If a post here refers to some one specific then I will say so. I dont always mention the persons name but will mention something specific so if they read this they will know it is about them. Only something they would know.
There were some very good positives going on in my world this week. Things worked out for the best and will benefit the people involved in these positives for a long time to come.
A positive I am looking forward to this weekend is spending time with my youngest sister, Granda. I will be taking Josh and Drake with me. We will be leaving some time Saturday and going to Grandas house to spend the night. Going to her church Sunday morning so I can be there when my baby brother Rick teaches his first Sunday school class. After church, we will be coming home so the boys can get ready to go to their dads for the coming week. Granda and I have always been close. Always will be close to her. We have had our differences and always made up. I think family is important. Not all my siblings are a part of my life and that is ok. It makes me sad but I can handle it. Some family members live to far away, but do keep in touch. Not often but occassionally is fine with me.
I learned something this week about one of my older brothers through Face Book. He read something I posted to notes and was concerned about me. Showes me that he does care although we dont talk often. Made me feel good knowing he cares.
I have friends from all walks of life and from around the world in many different countries. Some have my home phone number and if I am not online, they get concerned for my well being and call me. It makes me feel good to know that they care. I also feel the same way about them and call them if they are not online for a while.
So until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Just Thoughts
Today my thoughts are much like the weather. Cloudy and gloomy. The sun is trying to come out. Its 10:08 am and I just rode my exercise bike 10 miles in half an hour. Dale is trying to go to sleep but one of my two upstaris neighbors is baby sitting her 2 grandsons and they are making all kinds of noise yet again. Running across the floor, bouncing a ball, all kinds of pounding noise. She knows Dale works on Wednesday and Thursday nights and needs to sleep during the day. Some times I feel like just going up there and saying " I am asking you nicely to keep the noise down." If I have to I will complain to the landlord. I dont really want to do that. But after the 12th of this month she said she wont be baby sitting. Will wait until then and see how it goes.
Tomorrow should just be another day, but it will be like today filled with sadness.
If Momma was still living, tomorrow would be her birthday. I remember the first suprise birthday party that my youngest sister and I had for Momma. I had a key to Mommas appartment. I gave it to my sister so that she could decorate while Momma and I went to the nursing home to see my step dad. When we came back I saw my sister looking out the door watching for us. I went in first and the kitchen was decorated with balloons, streamers and posters. On the table was an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, and other refreshements and gifts. I turned around to look at Momma and she had a suprised look on her face. Tears were glistening in her eyes.
in a choked voice she said "This is the first birthday party any one has ever had for me." We all had a good time.
I miss you. I will never forget you. Some times I just sit and talk out loud to you. I believe that you can hear me. It makes me feel better.
On a happier note, I am looking forward to the weekend. I am going to my sisters and spend some time with her. I am going to visit her church with her Sunday morning. My baby brother Rick, will be teaching his first Sunday School Class. He doesnt know that I an going to be there. I will be coming home after church kinda. Long enough to change clothes and then off to baby sit the boys. Nicki will be working the evening shift.
I am thinking about walking across town to the grocery store but dont know if I want to wait til Dale gets up so we can go together and let that our walk for the day or if I want to go alone and then walk with Dale later in the day.
Walking twice is better than walking once, so until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world. I am off to shower and go to the grocery store. Just hope it doesnt rain before I get back.
Tomorrow should just be another day, but it will be like today filled with sadness.
If Momma was still living, tomorrow would be her birthday. I remember the first suprise birthday party that my youngest sister and I had for Momma. I had a key to Mommas appartment. I gave it to my sister so that she could decorate while Momma and I went to the nursing home to see my step dad. When we came back I saw my sister looking out the door watching for us. I went in first and the kitchen was decorated with balloons, streamers and posters. On the table was an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, and other refreshements and gifts. I turned around to look at Momma and she had a suprised look on her face. Tears were glistening in her eyes.
in a choked voice she said "This is the first birthday party any one has ever had for me." We all had a good time.
I miss you. I will never forget you. Some times I just sit and talk out loud to you. I believe that you can hear me. It makes me feel better.
On a happier note, I am looking forward to the weekend. I am going to my sisters and spend some time with her. I am going to visit her church with her Sunday morning. My baby brother Rick, will be teaching his first Sunday School Class. He doesnt know that I an going to be there. I will be coming home after church kinda. Long enough to change clothes and then off to baby sit the boys. Nicki will be working the evening shift.
I am thinking about walking across town to the grocery store but dont know if I want to wait til Dale gets up so we can go together and let that our walk for the day or if I want to go alone and then walk with Dale later in the day.
Walking twice is better than walking once, so until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world. I am off to shower and go to the grocery store. Just hope it doesnt rain before I get back.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Goal Met
Back on New Years Eve one of my resolutions was to ride my bike every day even if I didnt feel like it. I didnt keep this resolution or the one to eat healthier. But this week I am not baby sitting so, I did start riding my bike again and eating healthier.
Well, today I met a goal. The goal being to ride my bike so that I could get up to 10 miles a day. Where I was when I quit riding it. Today I rode my bike 10 miles, took a shower and went walking with Dale, my hubby. We walked about a mile. I feel good. I plan on riding my bike every day. I am going to try to go walking more to. I want to lose the weight I put back on since December.
Part of that weight has been lost already. It suprised me. I wasnt really trying and I was in a hurry the other morning. I got up and just grabbed a pair of jeans out of the closet and didnt realize until later in the day that they were a pair I had bought last fall that were to small. They fit perfectly.
I have been eating more salad and steamed veggies lately. I have also included more friut. I do eat some things for snacks that has carbs but I watch my portion size and only eat what the container says is a serving size.
My biggest downfall is Drake. We have taught the boys to share. He offers me part of his snacks when he has them. Some of them are things I can't eat being a diabetic. He is slowly learning what I can and cannot eat.
Also this week I had encouragement from one of my best friends on the internet. A lady I met in a group that we both belong to. We agreed a while back to be diet buddies but didnt really do much about starting until this week.
So in closing, all is well in my little piece of the world today. Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Well, today I met a goal. The goal being to ride my bike so that I could get up to 10 miles a day. Where I was when I quit riding it. Today I rode my bike 10 miles, took a shower and went walking with Dale, my hubby. We walked about a mile. I feel good. I plan on riding my bike every day. I am going to try to go walking more to. I want to lose the weight I put back on since December.
Part of that weight has been lost already. It suprised me. I wasnt really trying and I was in a hurry the other morning. I got up and just grabbed a pair of jeans out of the closet and didnt realize until later in the day that they were a pair I had bought last fall that were to small. They fit perfectly.
I have been eating more salad and steamed veggies lately. I have also included more friut. I do eat some things for snacks that has carbs but I watch my portion size and only eat what the container says is a serving size.
My biggest downfall is Drake. We have taught the boys to share. He offers me part of his snacks when he has them. Some of them are things I can't eat being a diabetic. He is slowly learning what I can and cannot eat.
Also this week I had encouragement from one of my best friends on the internet. A lady I met in a group that we both belong to. We agreed a while back to be diet buddies but didnt really do much about starting until this week.
So in closing, all is well in my little piece of the world today. Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mirrored Image
Mirrored Image
As I stand before the full looking glass,
I wonder how can that image looking back
be me. Its not but yet it is.
The laugh lines around the sad eyes that
look at the world around me.
How can it be?
How can that mirrored image be me?
Clothes that dont fit,
hanging on a frame that is no longer tall.
How small I appear.
Wrinkles where there use to be none.
Lose skin in places where there shouldnt be any.
Sad eyes stare back at me,
lost in thoughts of the past,
a past put behind me or is it?
Thoughts come and thoughts go
wondering what other changes
aging will bring to this body that
I see, that is me.
Dropping down on my knees,
my reflection looking back at me.
Yes, that mirrored image is me.
But, how can it be?
Wrote 11/23/2009
As I stand before the full looking glass,
I wonder how can that image looking back
be me. Its not but yet it is.
The laugh lines around the sad eyes that
look at the world around me.
How can it be?
How can that mirrored image be me?
Clothes that dont fit,
hanging on a frame that is no longer tall.
How small I appear.
Wrinkles where there use to be none.
Lose skin in places where there shouldnt be any.
Sad eyes stare back at me,
lost in thoughts of the past,
a past put behind me or is it?
Thoughts come and thoughts go
wondering what other changes
aging will bring to this body that
I see, that is me.
Dropping down on my knees,
my reflection looking back at me.
Yes, that mirrored image is me.
But, how can it be?
Wrote 11/23/2009
When Love Dies
When Love Dies
Wrote April 6, 2010 by me Becca
His love filled my soul with happiness
His crewl words caused my soul to wither and die
Soft sigh exscaping lips that are silent out of
resect for what I had been taught
It all came to naught
We faught
Loves gone
Anger abounds
Accusations flies around
Yelling sounds soars
while my tears slide down my cheeks ignored.
No where to go
nothing to do but stay
My fears keeping me there
No one to care
no one to share
with cubboards that are bare
Lord help me let go
help me to move on to
put one foot in front of the other and walk or
stumble out the door. Show me the way
take me by the hand and lead me away,
for there is nothing left to say.
Wrote April 6, 2010 by me Becca
His love filled my soul with happiness
His crewl words caused my soul to wither and die
Soft sigh exscaping lips that are silent out of
resect for what I had been taught
It all came to naught
We faught
Loves gone
Anger abounds
Accusations flies around
Yelling sounds soars
while my tears slide down my cheeks ignored.
No where to go
nothing to do but stay
My fears keeping me there
No one to care
no one to share
with cubboards that are bare
Lord help me let go
help me to move on to
put one foot in front of the other and walk or
stumble out the door. Show me the way
take me by the hand and lead me away,
for there is nothing left to say.
My Thoughts on Lying
Is your intution good? Do you believe it? Do you heed it when it tells
you some thing is wrong? I do. Especially when it is about people in
my daily life or the people I have meet on the internet and talk to alot.
When it comes to people lying, my intution is pretty good. I dont always
confront them about the lies they tell, but I do let them know what I
think and feel about whatever lie they are telling at the time.
I think it is always best to tell the truth no matteer what the situation may be. One lie snowballs into more and more lies and eventually you
dont know what the real truth is.
In all honesty, I dont like people who are always lying. I dont like to be
around them in person or on the internet. I dont always stick to that though.
I have to be really upset with some one and fed up with their lies before I no
longer have any thing to do with them. I will tell people face to face what I
think about them. I dont go behind their back. Its ok if not all the people I
know dont like me. Cuz the good Lord knows I sure dont like some of the
people I have met in my life time.
Its ok to have friends that like and are friends with some of the people you dont
like or get along with. Thats compromise and thats what makes a good friend a
true friend. I dont have to be with my best friend all the time for them
to be my best friend. I dont need friends buying me things for them to be my friends.
What I need from my friends is truth, honesty, trust and respect. Some one who is going to be there when I need them and some one who knows I will be there for them
no matter what time of day or night. They have but to call and I'll be there, in person when possible, and when not possible either on messenger in a voice chat or on the phone.
In conclusion, I need to think some more about what I want to do an make a final decision and stick to it.........
So, until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
you some thing is wrong? I do. Especially when it is about people in
my daily life or the people I have meet on the internet and talk to alot.
When it comes to people lying, my intution is pretty good. I dont always
confront them about the lies they tell, but I do let them know what I
think and feel about whatever lie they are telling at the time.
I think it is always best to tell the truth no matteer what the situation may be. One lie snowballs into more and more lies and eventually you
dont know what the real truth is.
In all honesty, I dont like people who are always lying. I dont like to be
around them in person or on the internet. I dont always stick to that though.
I have to be really upset with some one and fed up with their lies before I no
longer have any thing to do with them. I will tell people face to face what I
think about them. I dont go behind their back. Its ok if not all the people I
know dont like me. Cuz the good Lord knows I sure dont like some of the
people I have met in my life time.
Its ok to have friends that like and are friends with some of the people you dont
like or get along with. Thats compromise and thats what makes a good friend a
true friend. I dont have to be with my best friend all the time for them
to be my best friend. I dont need friends buying me things for them to be my friends.
What I need from my friends is truth, honesty, trust and respect. Some one who is going to be there when I need them and some one who knows I will be there for them
no matter what time of day or night. They have but to call and I'll be there, in person when possible, and when not possible either on messenger in a voice chat or on the phone.
In conclusion, I need to think some more about what I want to do an make a final decision and stick to it.........
So, until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse,
child abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV),
can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one
or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage,
dating, family, friends or cohabitation. Domestic violence has
many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving,
restraining, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse;
emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation;
stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic
deprivation. Domestic violence may or may not constitute a crime,
depending on local statues, severity and duration of specific acts,
and other variables. Alcohol consumption and mental illness have
frequently been associated with abuse.
Any form of domestic violence is not ok. It happened to some one
close to me. This is her story. Shes a young mother in her early 20's.
Shes married, now in the process of getting a divorce. She has 2 boys
aged 4 and 2. She has custody of her boys. Their father
doesnt want any thing to do with the boys.
The boys father abused their mother in front of them. He was choking
her. He abused the 4 year old by hitting him in the face and leaving a
huge bruise covering most of his little cheek.
He kept her and the boys away from her family and friends for 3 months.
He cheated on her. This is the only time that I am aware of him abusing
them. It could or could not of happened before. People who are abused
become good at hiding it. They are ashamed, they fear being abused again if any one finds out.
She had finally had enough when he choked her in front of her mother and
her mothers friends. The police were called. He was charged, ordered to leave
the home. She went to a place for domestic violence here in town. She stayed
with her mother for a while then went back home with the boys, once the police told her he was out of the house and it was safe for her and the kids to go home.
The locks at their house has been changed, hes not allowed to be around them
or thier house. Some of his family is her neighbors.
I do not know if he was abused as a child, but was told that abuse runs in his
family. I dont know if that is true or not. I dont know him as well as I know
They have been to court, she had a lawyer, he didnt. The judge told him to get
one because he was in a lot of trouble. He has to give back most of the things
he took out of their house.
Shes moving on with her life. Taking classes to better herself, looking for a job so she can support herself and her kids.
To get help call your local domestic violence hotline or the National Domestic
Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
Hotline services include
crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence and
referrals to local service providers.
Direct connection to domestic violence resources available in the callers area
provided by a Hotline advocare.
Assistance in English and Spanish with Hotline advocates having access to more
than 170 different languages through interpreter services.
Assistance through email
Informational materials on such topics as domestic violence, sexual assult,
battering intervention and prevention programs, working through the
criminal justice system and related issues. There is help out there for those who have been abused.
No matter what the abuser tells you it is not your fault. They will tell you that your are
worthless. That no one else would have you. That your fat, ugly, worthless. They beat down
your self esteem so that you wont try to leave them. They control you this way. Some stay because
they think they have no place to go, no one to help them. But there is help, no matter who you are,
or where you live. Please dont wait until its to late.
Until next time, I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
child abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV),
can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one
or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage,
dating, family, friends or cohabitation. Domestic violence has
many forms including physical aggression (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving,
restraining, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse;
emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation;
stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic
deprivation. Domestic violence may or may not constitute a crime,
depending on local statues, severity and duration of specific acts,
and other variables. Alcohol consumption and mental illness have
frequently been associated with abuse.
Any form of domestic violence is not ok. It happened to some one
close to me. This is her story. Shes a young mother in her early 20's.
Shes married, now in the process of getting a divorce. She has 2 boys
aged 4 and 2. She has custody of her boys. Their father
doesnt want any thing to do with the boys.
The boys father abused their mother in front of them. He was choking
her. He abused the 4 year old by hitting him in the face and leaving a
huge bruise covering most of his little cheek.
He kept her and the boys away from her family and friends for 3 months.
He cheated on her. This is the only time that I am aware of him abusing
them. It could or could not of happened before. People who are abused
become good at hiding it. They are ashamed, they fear being abused again if any one finds out.
She had finally had enough when he choked her in front of her mother and
her mothers friends. The police were called. He was charged, ordered to leave
the home. She went to a place for domestic violence here in town. She stayed
with her mother for a while then went back home with the boys, once the police told her he was out of the house and it was safe for her and the kids to go home.
The locks at their house has been changed, hes not allowed to be around them
or thier house. Some of his family is her neighbors.
I do not know if he was abused as a child, but was told that abuse runs in his
family. I dont know if that is true or not. I dont know him as well as I know
They have been to court, she had a lawyer, he didnt. The judge told him to get
one because he was in a lot of trouble. He has to give back most of the things
he took out of their house.
Shes moving on with her life. Taking classes to better herself, looking for a job so she can support herself and her kids.
To get help call your local domestic violence hotline or the National Domestic
Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
Hotline services include
crisis intervention, safety planning, information about domestic violence and
referrals to local service providers.
Direct connection to domestic violence resources available in the callers area
provided by a Hotline advocare.
Assistance in English and Spanish with Hotline advocates having access to more
than 170 different languages through interpreter services.
Assistance through email
Informational materials on such topics as domestic violence, sexual assult,
battering intervention and prevention programs, working through the
criminal justice system and related issues. There is help out there for those who have been abused.
No matter what the abuser tells you it is not your fault. They will tell you that your are
worthless. That no one else would have you. That your fat, ugly, worthless. They beat down
your self esteem so that you wont try to leave them. They control you this way. Some stay because
they think they have no place to go, no one to help them. But there is help, no matter who you are,
or where you live. Please dont wait until its to late.
Until next time, I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Do You Ever
Do You Ever
Have one of those kinds of days where you have some thing
you have to do but dont want to do it? You know its the right
thing to do and you know it will bring you down? Well that
is the kind of day I am going to have.
My best friends uncle passed away and the viewing is today
with the funeral right after. I am going, but I dont really want to.
I dont like funerals. But I need to be there for my best friend.
Her uncle was more like a father to her than an uncle. I know she will
have family there but yesterday when we spent time together she
ask me to come and I told her I would.
I am going to hate it when she leaves, because then I cant be there
for her. She now lives in another state and its a long drive home for
Dale and I have \known her uncle for years. We will miss him.
Gone but not forgotten Bubby.
Until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in
your own little piece of the world.
Have one of those kinds of days where you have some thing
you have to do but dont want to do it? You know its the right
thing to do and you know it will bring you down? Well that
is the kind of day I am going to have.
My best friends uncle passed away and the viewing is today
with the funeral right after. I am going, but I dont really want to.
I dont like funerals. But I need to be there for my best friend.
Her uncle was more like a father to her than an uncle. I know she will
have family there but yesterday when we spent time together she
ask me to come and I told her I would.
I am going to hate it when she leaves, because then I cant be there
for her. She now lives in another state and its a long drive home for
Dale and I have \known her uncle for years. We will miss him.
Gone but not forgotten Bubby.
Until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in
your own little piece of the world.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Its going to be one of those days
Its going to be one of those days where there is no peace and quiet. The upstairs neighbor has her daughter and 2 young grandsons staying with her and they are loud. Running across the floor screaming at the top of their lungs, banging things. I understand you cant keep kids quiet all the time. They know Dale works nights and sleeps during the day. If things dont quieten down I am going up there and tell them to keep the noise down. What makes me mad she tells me its not them making any noise that it it the people in the other apartment. Excuse me its her bedroom over ours and if its not them at 1:30 in the morning making nose I sure would like to know who is in her apartment making noise at that time in the morning. Only suppose to be one person living there and now there is 5 people staying there.
I dont like to complain about the noise but I will if they keep it up.
Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
I dont like to complain about the noise but I will if they keep it up.
Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Is It Spring Yet?
I know its not Spring yet but for the last couple of days we have had Spring like weather. I love it! Not to hot and not to cold. Just right to be outside doing things. The early morning hours is still a little cold. Like this morning when I walked home from my daughter's at a little after 6 it was 22 degrees out. Its now 8:21 and 25 out. The sun isn't up yet but it is supposed to be another Spring like day.
I started a new blog this week for my own original creations. You can see them or down load them here.
This week on Wednesday, I went shopping and out to lunch with my sister and daughter. Thursday morning I went out to breakfast with my daughter and youngest grandson. Friday morning I went out to breakfast with my daughter and youngest grandson and then we ran around town. As for today, I had a pop tart for breakfast and will be staying home unless something comes up until time to go baby sit tonight. Tomorrow (Sunday) starts a week of being home. The boys will be going to their dads for the coming week tomorrow. And that's what's been happening in my world this week.
Until next time, I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
I started a new blog this week for my own original creations. You can see them or down load them here.
This week on Wednesday, I went shopping and out to lunch with my sister and daughter. Thursday morning I went out to breakfast with my daughter and youngest grandson. Friday morning I went out to breakfast with my daughter and youngest grandson and then we ran around town. As for today, I had a pop tart for breakfast and will be staying home unless something comes up until time to go baby sit tonight. Tomorrow (Sunday) starts a week of being home. The boys will be going to their dads for the coming week tomorrow. And that's what's been happening in my world this week.
Until next time, I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
My New Blog
I started a new blog last night. Its called Becca's Unique Attic Treasures.
Are you curious about the kind of treasures found there? Well, they are/will be my own orginal creations. Either drawn with my mouse or sketches I have done and scanned into paint shop pro to colorize them or play with them.
A lot of my orginal creations, I open a canvas and fill it with a color, add a new layer and then chose a coordinating color and just scribble or doodle on it. I use the effects that come with psp or I use a plugin or filter on the scribbles or doodles. Mostly I play around with the kaleidoscope effect. I even use the smudge or mesh warp brush on it. I play around with it until I see something I think would make a good bow, wings, butterfly, etc. All the creations on my new blog will always be freebies.
Right now there is only one freebie there. It is 4 bow templates. You can visit my new blog here.
Are you curious about the kind of treasures found there? Well, they are/will be my own orginal creations. Either drawn with my mouse or sketches I have done and scanned into paint shop pro to colorize them or play with them.
A lot of my orginal creations, I open a canvas and fill it with a color, add a new layer and then chose a coordinating color and just scribble or doodle on it. I use the effects that come with psp or I use a plugin or filter on the scribbles or doodles. Mostly I play around with the kaleidoscope effect. I even use the smudge or mesh warp brush on it. I play around with it until I see something I think would make a good bow, wings, butterfly, etc. All the creations on my new blog will always be freebies.
Right now there is only one freebie there. It is 4 bow templates. You can visit my new blog here.
Its never easy when we lose a loved one. I cant imagine the pain of losing a child.
There's no right or wrong way to grieve. Each person has their own way of dealing with death and grieving. Me I cry, I get quiet and go off by myself. There is no set amount of time to grieve. For some it could be a day, a week, a month or years. I dont think the pain of a loved one passing on ever goes away. It just lessens with time. The loved one will always be with us in our hearts. Gone but not forgotten. We have our memories of time spent with them. Even if some of those memories are bad.
My thoughts and prayers are with my nephew and his family at this time.
Evin was here for only a short time but he touched the hearts of many people.
May you rest in peace little one.
Until next time I hope that all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
There's no right or wrong way to grieve. Each person has their own way of dealing with death and grieving. Me I cry, I get quiet and go off by myself. There is no set amount of time to grieve. For some it could be a day, a week, a month or years. I dont think the pain of a loved one passing on ever goes away. It just lessens with time. The loved one will always be with us in our hearts. Gone but not forgotten. We have our memories of time spent with them. Even if some of those memories are bad.
My thoughts and prayers are with my nephew and his family at this time.
Evin was here for only a short time but he touched the hearts of many people.
May you rest in peace little one.
Until next time I hope that all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Just My Thoughts
A lot has happened since I last posted here. Enough to write more than a few chapters in a book if I were writing one.
Friends, new ones made. Some left for various reasons.
I am now co-editor of the Cancer Moon Creations Newsletter. The first edition came out this month. In March we are going to try to get 2 editions of it sent out. This will be a trial run to see how it goes.
Family wise things are good. The boys are with their dad this week. I missed them soon as I left yesterday to come home. I always miss them when I dont get to see them every day.
My tag making is going good. I started doing quick pages. I want to learn how to make my own blog layouts. Thats a goal that I will be working on very soon.
The weather has been strange this winter. We have got more snow this winter than in the last decade. Last week the temps were in the single digits. Yesterday and today the temp has been in the low 50's. Today it rained off and on all day.
I am so ready for Spring to get here so that I can be outside more with the boys. Plant some flowers and tomato plants. Take nature walks with the boys. What is a nature walk you ask? Its where the boys and I go for a walk and look at things in peoples yards or along the street that has to do with nature. On day while walking
we saw a walnut tree. Walnuts in the hulls covered the side of the road and there were a few in the road that had been smashed by traffic. We stopped to look at one of the smashed walnuts. I told the boys about the hull, how you have to remove the green hull to get to the nut inside. I told them that the juice from the inside once smashed stains your hands and any thing that it gets on. I also told them once the walnuts are hulled you have to spread the nuts out and let them dry before you crack them to eat. This also brought back memories of how Momma used to use walnuts in cakes, make black walnut fudge and how we would all just sit around Momma and crack the walnuts and eat them. Black walnuts are best after the first frost.
I am tired and not feeling well so until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Friends, new ones made. Some left for various reasons.
I am now co-editor of the Cancer Moon Creations Newsletter. The first edition came out this month. In March we are going to try to get 2 editions of it sent out. This will be a trial run to see how it goes.
Family wise things are good. The boys are with their dad this week. I missed them soon as I left yesterday to come home. I always miss them when I dont get to see them every day.
My tag making is going good. I started doing quick pages. I want to learn how to make my own blog layouts. Thats a goal that I will be working on very soon.
The weather has been strange this winter. We have got more snow this winter than in the last decade. Last week the temps were in the single digits. Yesterday and today the temp has been in the low 50's. Today it rained off and on all day.
I am so ready for Spring to get here so that I can be outside more with the boys. Plant some flowers and tomato plants. Take nature walks with the boys. What is a nature walk you ask? Its where the boys and I go for a walk and look at things in peoples yards or along the street that has to do with nature. On day while walking
we saw a walnut tree. Walnuts in the hulls covered the side of the road and there were a few in the road that had been smashed by traffic. We stopped to look at one of the smashed walnuts. I told the boys about the hull, how you have to remove the green hull to get to the nut inside. I told them that the juice from the inside once smashed stains your hands and any thing that it gets on. I also told them once the walnuts are hulled you have to spread the nuts out and let them dry before you crack them to eat. This also brought back memories of how Momma used to use walnuts in cakes, make black walnut fudge and how we would all just sit around Momma and crack the walnuts and eat them. Black walnuts are best after the first frost.
I am tired and not feeling well so until next time I hope things are going well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tags By Becca
I am making tags again. I missed making them and decided to do them for some of the CT teams that I am on. I was looking at how many times my tags were viewed and downloaded this morning. I was surprised at how many times some of them were downloaded. It makes me feel good to know that people like the things I create.
About my creations-tags are made with a designers kit, and tubes that I get from a yahoo group, or from kits that I get from playing secret pal games as a gift from my pal.
My scrap kits are often inspired by things I see around the town where I live or things I have seen on other websites. I love unusual things. I love just playing
with scribbles, lines, odd shapes in paint shop pro and then using plugins and effects on them to see what I can come up with for a kit from them.
As you have seen, a lot of my kits is shades of purple. Purple and black are my favorite colors. Some of my kits include things I have sketched. Scanned into psp and colorized. Made into a tube or png image.
I have some art that is scribbles that my grandson Drake, who is 5 done for me. I am considering using some of them and making a kit. I think I will ask him when he comes back from his dads next week if I can use it for a kit. I am thinking about calling this kit Drake Art or Drakes World of Scribble Art.
I just started doing quick pages. I just added a Valentines Quick Page and 2 Valentines tags to my scrap blog.
These were made by using a kit called Valentines by Aleahs Mommy Designs.
How do I feel today? I feel good that people like my designs and tags. Physcially I am feeling tired. Which is nothing new. I am always tried even if I had a good nights sleep. I do have a slight headache this afternoon. My sugar levels have been a little high in the evenings and some what low in the next morning. But still in what is considered the normal range for a diabetic. Its like this because I dont eat much throughout the day and dont eat until later in the evening. I know, I should be eating meals during the day, its just that I cant eat if I am not hungry. If I do then I have an upset stomach and feel bad all day.
Breakfast is usually an egg and a couple of pieces of 35 calorie wheat bread toast, Lunch is a salad, or a sandwich, or soup. Dinner is the usual full meal with steamed veggies and meat. I sometimes have a morning and afternoon snack but not often.
So, until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world. Love ya........
About my creations-tags are made with a designers kit, and tubes that I get from a yahoo group, or from kits that I get from playing secret pal games as a gift from my pal.
My scrap kits are often inspired by things I see around the town where I live or things I have seen on other websites. I love unusual things. I love just playing
with scribbles, lines, odd shapes in paint shop pro and then using plugins and effects on them to see what I can come up with for a kit from them.
As you have seen, a lot of my kits is shades of purple. Purple and black are my favorite colors. Some of my kits include things I have sketched. Scanned into psp and colorized. Made into a tube or png image.
I have some art that is scribbles that my grandson Drake, who is 5 done for me. I am considering using some of them and making a kit. I think I will ask him when he comes back from his dads next week if I can use it for a kit. I am thinking about calling this kit Drake Art or Drakes World of Scribble Art.
I just started doing quick pages. I just added a Valentines Quick Page and 2 Valentines tags to my scrap blog.
These were made by using a kit called Valentines by Aleahs Mommy Designs.
How do I feel today? I feel good that people like my designs and tags. Physcially I am feeling tired. Which is nothing new. I am always tried even if I had a good nights sleep. I do have a slight headache this afternoon. My sugar levels have been a little high in the evenings and some what low in the next morning. But still in what is considered the normal range for a diabetic. Its like this because I dont eat much throughout the day and dont eat until later in the evening. I know, I should be eating meals during the day, its just that I cant eat if I am not hungry. If I do then I have an upset stomach and feel bad all day.
Breakfast is usually an egg and a couple of pieces of 35 calorie wheat bread toast, Lunch is a salad, or a sandwich, or soup. Dinner is the usual full meal with steamed veggies and meat. I sometimes have a morning and afternoon snack but not often.
So, until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world. Love ya........
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Just Because
Just because you say you love someone doesn't mean that you're in love with them. It just means that you care about them and their well being. I say I love you to family members and friends when parting. To me it just means that I care and wish them well until we meet again. They know what I mean when I say I love ya.
To my friends on the net when parting most of the time I say love ya. But I dont say it to all my net friends. Some of my net friends I dont know well enough to say love ya to. Usually when parting from them I just say take care. In my nightly bedtime prayer I ask the Lord to watch over and keep safe my family and friends safe and healthy until we meet or speak again.
I love spending time with family and friends be it in person or on the phone or net. Family is important to me and we need to spend time together. Friends are an important part of my life. I love spending time with them and going out and doing things like having lunch or dinner, shopping, going to the park just to hang out etc.
Love is/has different meanings to lots of people. So how you define love is what's important. I dont know why this topic or what I can say about it but it just keeps coming up in my thoughts this morning and I dont have much time to write or any thing. I have to go and get ready to take the boys to the Dentist with Nicki.
So until next time know that I love ya all. I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
To my friends on the net when parting most of the time I say love ya. But I dont say it to all my net friends. Some of my net friends I dont know well enough to say love ya to. Usually when parting from them I just say take care. In my nightly bedtime prayer I ask the Lord to watch over and keep safe my family and friends safe and healthy until we meet or speak again.
I love spending time with family and friends be it in person or on the phone or net. Family is important to me and we need to spend time together. Friends are an important part of my life. I love spending time with them and going out and doing things like having lunch or dinner, shopping, going to the park just to hang out etc.
Love is/has different meanings to lots of people. So how you define love is what's important. I dont know why this topic or what I can say about it but it just keeps coming up in my thoughts this morning and I dont have much time to write or any thing. I have to go and get ready to take the boys to the Dentist with Nicki.
So until next time know that I love ya all. I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking back at some things that have had an influence in my
life, I see now that I should of done some things differently.
This may get long and its ok if no one reads it all or any of it
because it will make me feel better by writing it.
I know now that I will never again let someone influence me and what
I have to do about any given situation that I have only met on the internet.
I let some one whom I thought was a good friend talk me into doing
something and because of what the person whom I thought was a friend
instagated it caused me to lose some other internet friends. The friend
who started it all came out smelling like roses and got what they wanted.
They still have all the friends we had in common. This friend said to
keep in touch, why should I make the effort of keeping the friendship when
they dont or wont respond to instant messages or emails? Did I learn from
what this so called friend and I did? Yes, I learned that you can never trust
some people whom you thought you knew just by talking to them on the internet.
I learned not to trust so freely. Not to give of myself until I know the people
I talk to on the internet better and to trust in my intution. To be the person
that I am with every one on the internet and if they dont like me for me and
the person that I am then I will still talk to them, be nice, but less giving in
certain areas of the friendship about what I share or dont share with them.
Do I regret what I let this internet friend talk me into doing? Yes, I do and
I wont let internet friends talk me into doing something like that again. I have
told my other friends that I was sorry. That didnt change any thing other than
they now no longer talk to me. I thought that they were really my friends
but now I am not so sure they were.
Life is about growing up and learning to be responsible for your actions.
Life is about taking care of yourself regardless of what others think you should
do. Life is about doing what you think is the best thing for you. Life if for living, having fun along with the bad times. Pain is part of the growing process. We all have things in our lives that cause us pain and stress. We just have to learn how to deal with the pain, let problems go and move on.
Forgive and forget. Easy said, but not so easy to do. Yet we expect others to do it. The past we cant change, all we can do is live in the present and try not to let the past influence who we are and how we act in the present.
Each new day brings change. Change for the better or for the worse its still a part
of our lives. Yesterday is gone, today is the here and now, tomorrow is the future.
Tomorrow may never come. Live for today. Tell those you love, that you love them
for you may not have the chance to tomorrow. Right past wrongs and move on with
life. Change the things that bother you and let go of the things that you cant change.
Think about what your doing and saying and how it will effect the people you love and care about before doing it.
Emotions are fragile feelings at times and its so easy to hurt the ones you love and care about. When dealing with family, friends and people in general we need to think about how our actions will effect them. Think about what the consequences of our action could be. How it wil effect all involved in the situation, before carring them out.
I think thats enough for now. I need to go and start my day. So, unti next time, I hope that all is well and good for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Looking back at some things that have had an influence in my
life, I see now that I should of done some things differently.
This may get long and its ok if no one reads it all or any of it
because it will make me feel better by writing it.
I know now that I will never again let someone influence me and what
I have to do about any given situation that I have only met on the internet.
I let some one whom I thought was a good friend talk me into doing
something and because of what the person whom I thought was a friend
instagated it caused me to lose some other internet friends. The friend
who started it all came out smelling like roses and got what they wanted.
They still have all the friends we had in common. This friend said to
keep in touch, why should I make the effort of keeping the friendship when
they dont or wont respond to instant messages or emails? Did I learn from
what this so called friend and I did? Yes, I learned that you can never trust
some people whom you thought you knew just by talking to them on the internet.
I learned not to trust so freely. Not to give of myself until I know the people
I talk to on the internet better and to trust in my intution. To be the person
that I am with every one on the internet and if they dont like me for me and
the person that I am then I will still talk to them, be nice, but less giving in
certain areas of the friendship about what I share or dont share with them.
Do I regret what I let this internet friend talk me into doing? Yes, I do and
I wont let internet friends talk me into doing something like that again. I have
told my other friends that I was sorry. That didnt change any thing other than
they now no longer talk to me. I thought that they were really my friends
but now I am not so sure they were.
Life is about growing up and learning to be responsible for your actions.
Life is about taking care of yourself regardless of what others think you should
do. Life is about doing what you think is the best thing for you. Life if for living, having fun along with the bad times. Pain is part of the growing process. We all have things in our lives that cause us pain and stress. We just have to learn how to deal with the pain, let problems go and move on.
Forgive and forget. Easy said, but not so easy to do. Yet we expect others to do it. The past we cant change, all we can do is live in the present and try not to let the past influence who we are and how we act in the present.
Each new day brings change. Change for the better or for the worse its still a part
of our lives. Yesterday is gone, today is the here and now, tomorrow is the future.
Tomorrow may never come. Live for today. Tell those you love, that you love them
for you may not have the chance to tomorrow. Right past wrongs and move on with
life. Change the things that bother you and let go of the things that you cant change.
Think about what your doing and saying and how it will effect the people you love and care about before doing it.
Emotions are fragile feelings at times and its so easy to hurt the ones you love and care about. When dealing with family, friends and people in general we need to think about how our actions will effect them. Think about what the consequences of our action could be. How it wil effect all involved in the situation, before carring them out.
I think thats enough for now. I need to go and start my day. So, unti next time, I hope that all is well and good for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Feeling Miserable
I haven't been feeling so good lately. I have had a runny nose, sneezing, aching all over, a low grade temp and a sore throat off and on. I dont feel really sick, just bad enough to make me feel miserable. To make me not feel like doing much of any thing. I have been cat napping when I can sleep. I havent been able to sleep much during the night.
I am baby sitting this week and I hope whatever bug it is that I have they dont get.
Until next time I wish you and yours good health and happiness in your own little piece of the world.
I am baby sitting this week and I hope whatever bug it is that I have they dont get.
Until next time I wish you and yours good health and happiness in your own little piece of the world.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Learning A Lesson
Today, I learned a lesson. What did I learn you ask?
I learned that if you try to be nice to someone and help them out, that its possible for them to take advantage of you. Not all people do. But I thought I was doing something good for some one I barely knew and they took advantage of my kindness and now that kindness is costing me money I dont have. I learned not to put any one else on my cell phone plan. You can suspend their service but still have to pay the monthly fee for having them added to your plan. You can terminate them but have to pay the for their time left on your contract.
If you ever suspend someones service from your cell plan, be sure to put a PURCHASE BLOCKER ON THEIR PHONE NUMBER! Other wise they can download or purchase things from third parties and it will be on your cell bill. This happened to me. I called my carrier this morning and got some of the charges taken off. They were added after the service had been suspended.
Lesson learned!
So until next time I wish you and yours a good day. I hope things are good for you in your own little piece of the world.
I learned that if you try to be nice to someone and help them out, that its possible for them to take advantage of you. Not all people do. But I thought I was doing something good for some one I barely knew and they took advantage of my kindness and now that kindness is costing me money I dont have. I learned not to put any one else on my cell phone plan. You can suspend their service but still have to pay the monthly fee for having them added to your plan. You can terminate them but have to pay the for their time left on your contract.
If you ever suspend someones service from your cell plan, be sure to put a PURCHASE BLOCKER ON THEIR PHONE NUMBER! Other wise they can download or purchase things from third parties and it will be on your cell bill. This happened to me. I called my carrier this morning and got some of the charges taken off. They were added after the service had been suspended.
Lesson learned!
So until next time I wish you and yours a good day. I hope things are good for you in your own little piece of the world.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Snow Pics

These pics were taken outside my kitchen door just before Christmas. We had a foot of snow then. The pics are across the alley from the house I live in.
We still have snow today on the ground but not as much as in the pics. They are predicting 2 more inches today.
I hope that you are staying warm. Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Just Rambling Thoughts
Its funny sometimes how things just happen. I may not understand why they happen but I know thats the way it is supposed to be according to my lifes plan. I might not like what happened but I have learned how to deal with it on a daily basis.
Changes good or bad is a part of my daily life and I all I can do is go with what I think is best for me and my family. People come and go in my life and for some reason I am now ok with that. Online friends disappear, some eventually come back into my life just when I need them to. Others are gone for good. Just because they are no longer a part of my life, it doesnt mean they are fogotten. I think of them often and wonder how they are. I pray that they are doing well.
People say one thing but mean something entirely different. They say they are your friend and will always be your friend no matter what. Do they mean it? I dont think so for some has told me this and are no longer a part of my life. I think that they mean it at the time they say it, but things change, life changes people. We just have to take life one day at a time and deal with the changes as they occur. Good or bad its up to us to make the best of the changes.
Do you ever think of the people who were a part of your life but have passed on. I do. I think of my Momma and all the good and bad times. I think of the things left unsaid. Things I have questions about and will never know the answers to now because she is the only person who could tell me the answers. People that are gone and I never got to tell them bye. People who mean a lot to me that I think about all the time. Miss them and wish I could talk to them again. There is no wrong way to grieve or a set time for grieving.
This probably dont make sense to any one else but it does to me and thats what matters.
Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Changes good or bad is a part of my daily life and I all I can do is go with what I think is best for me and my family. People come and go in my life and for some reason I am now ok with that. Online friends disappear, some eventually come back into my life just when I need them to. Others are gone for good. Just because they are no longer a part of my life, it doesnt mean they are fogotten. I think of them often and wonder how they are. I pray that they are doing well.
People say one thing but mean something entirely different. They say they are your friend and will always be your friend no matter what. Do they mean it? I dont think so for some has told me this and are no longer a part of my life. I think that they mean it at the time they say it, but things change, life changes people. We just have to take life one day at a time and deal with the changes as they occur. Good or bad its up to us to make the best of the changes.
Do you ever think of the people who were a part of your life but have passed on. I do. I think of my Momma and all the good and bad times. I think of the things left unsaid. Things I have questions about and will never know the answers to now because she is the only person who could tell me the answers. People that are gone and I never got to tell them bye. People who mean a lot to me that I think about all the time. Miss them and wish I could talk to them again. There is no wrong way to grieve or a set time for grieving.
This probably dont make sense to any one else but it does to me and thats what matters.
Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's hard sometimes making decisions. When I make a decision it is based on what I feel is right for me at the time. Some times this means that I could change my mind at a later date but, most of the time I stick to what I have decided. Some times people want me to do things that I dont want to do. I dont want to hurt their feelings by saying no. But some times saying no is the best thing to do.
Even if it means losing some one I thought was a friend, I would still have to say that by feeling like no is best for me, then I have to tell them and deal with losing their friendship. This applies to both real life and online friends.
Today the sun was shining and it was a little bit warmer than in the teens. Yay no more snow today. Heat wave of 30's and 40's coming this coming week and teens at night. I do hope the snow predicted for the coming week doesnt hit us. I am so ready for Spring.
Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Even if it means losing some one I thought was a friend, I would still have to say that by feeling like no is best for me, then I have to tell them and deal with losing their friendship. This applies to both real life and online friends.
Today the sun was shining and it was a little bit warmer than in the teens. Yay no more snow today. Heat wave of 30's and 40's coming this coming week and teens at night. I do hope the snow predicted for the coming week doesnt hit us. I am so ready for Spring.
Until next time I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow and More Snow
All its done this past week is snow. Its snowing now and they are advising people not to go out if they dont have to. The kids here are still home from school. Schools have been closed since they got out for Christmas Break.
The predicted amount for snow this evening is 2-6 inches. Its been in the low teens at night and occasssiionaly in the single digits and in the low 20's or teens during the day.
I am ready for winter to be over and so looking forward to Springs arrival.
So until next time, keep warm and safe out there in your own little piece of the world.
The predicted amount for snow this evening is 2-6 inches. Its been in the low teens at night and occasssiionaly in the single digits and in the low 20's or teens during the day.
I am ready for winter to be over and so looking forward to Springs arrival.
So until next time, keep warm and safe out there in your own little piece of the world.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
We Got More Snow Last Night
We got more snow last night. Just enough to cover the ground and make the roads slick. I went out and checked the thermometer outside my kitchen door and the temp is 12 degrees.
I did go out and do an errand. It wasnt so bad walking until the wind blew. I will be staying in the rest of the day unless something unexpected comes up.
I am now into making tags and layouts. I have just put a layout on my scrap blog. You can see it here.
I will be adding more scraps later. I will also be adding some blank tags later as well.
I enjoy playing with Paint Shop Pro and trying out plugins and filters. I enjoy things that are unusual and I also like goth things. My two favorite colors are shades of purple and black. My two least favorite colors are pinks and reds.
My layouts and tags are for personal use only and are freebies.
Comments are welcome.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
I did go out and do an errand. It wasnt so bad walking until the wind blew. I will be staying in the rest of the day unless something unexpected comes up.
I am now into making tags and layouts. I have just put a layout on my scrap blog. You can see it here.
I will be adding more scraps later. I will also be adding some blank tags later as well.
I enjoy playing with Paint Shop Pro and trying out plugins and filters. I enjoy things that are unusual and I also like goth things. My two favorite colors are shades of purple and black. My two least favorite colors are pinks and reds.
My layouts and tags are for personal use only and are freebies.
Comments are welcome.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
Friday, January 1, 2010
A New Year A New Beginning
The start of a new beginning. A new year that will be full of changes, suprises for some people.
I checked my horoscope for today and it kind of goes with one of my new years resolutions. Only time will tell if it comes true or not.
Starting today I am going to try to slowly lose weight. I am going to eat more fruit and veggies and cut out most of the junk foods that I have been eating, or at least limit them to treats. I am going to start riding my exercise bike again at least one mile to start out and see how far I can work up to. Before I quit riding it I was up to 10 miles a day.
I hope that you all have a good day.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
I checked my horoscope for today and it kind of goes with one of my new years resolutions. Only time will tell if it comes true or not.
Starting today I am going to try to slowly lose weight. I am going to eat more fruit and veggies and cut out most of the junk foods that I have been eating, or at least limit them to treats. I am going to start riding my exercise bike again at least one mile to start out and see how far I can work up to. Before I quit riding it I was up to 10 miles a day.
I hope that you all have a good day.
Until next time I hope all is well for you and yours in your own little piece of the world.
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