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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What If?

What If ?

What if nothing was what it seemed? What if every one around you seemed happy and in good spirits but you know how they really feel cause youre the strong one that people, family and friends always lean on vent to?

What if you need to vent and all your family and friends who promise to be there for you when you need them arent there or they are having a bad day? Who do you vent to then? What do you do then?

What if love isnt enough? How do you handle tough situations that make you sad and make you cry more than normal. When love isnt enough do you stay with the person you love and try to work it out, talk about
what is bothering you or do you just walk away after being together for years?

Do you punish yourself with the WHAT IF'S? What if I had said this, done that differently. If only I had been more supportive, what if.........

I am a stong person, I have always been there for family and friends, but I learned that I cant always be the things people want me to. So, what if, I am not there and you need me? Thats the time you dig down deep inside you and find your inner strength and go on without me. I am not always going to be around.
You have the strength to do more things than you think you do. Dont ever let any one tell you that you cant do something. Thats how things dont get done. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to doing.
Mom always said "Cant never can do any thing and your name isnt Can't so get off your butt and do what ever needs to be done."

I can be here for you but I cant be the only person here for you. You have to want to help yourself. Want to do whatever it takes to resolve any given situation you find yourself in. You have to want to be the one doing
whatever it takes to move on, to make your life better. You are the only one who can make you truly happy.
You are the one person who knows you best and what you can do and dont need. You are the person who can change yourself for all the right reasons.

We need to slow down and learn to take one day at a time. To look on the bright side. There is people out there who love us just the way we are and care about us. We need to take/make time to enjoy the things around
us. Spend time with family and friends, just being yourself, doing silly things, laughing having a good time.
Its my world, my life, its what I make it be.

I choose to be me, if you cant love me for the person that I am and not for what I can or cant give you material wise, then I choose not to have you complicating my life. My choice. I dont need to have a reason why I do things the way I do. Its part of me and if you know me then you would most likely know why I do things the way I do.

People think they know me, but they really dont. I am the kind of person who keeps a lot of things bottled up. I dont say much about any thing until it gets to the point where I cant take it any longer. Then I will blast you with how I feel about things. Tell you the way I see it and if you dont like it then this is my attitude about it tough deal with it and move on.

So what if things arent right in your little piece of the world? What are you going to do to make them right?
May your little piece of the world be filled with love, peace, laughter and the sun shining down on you.
Take care of yourself until next time.

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