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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Summer is Over

It's been a long hot summer and now that it's fall I love the warm breezy days and the cooler nights.

Both the boys are in school. Nicki is going to school and I pick the boys up after school.

Some family things have been going on and then there is some things going on with some of my so called friends. So called because they are here talking to me on the net when they want something from me, pc help, just to vent to, etc. Then they disappear for days at a time. This is me time. Not venting to any one person and if youre a follower of my blog, I an not particularly venting to you. Just my thoughts and feelings here.

I belong to a lot of yahoo groups, well the topic in one of them was deception this week and how it makes us feel. Well, some one who came into my life about 3 years ago called me over the weekend and make such a big deal about visiting me today. It didnt happen. I didnt think it would. So I wasnt really decieved. Then they called me earlier tonight and made such a big deal out of why they couldnt visit me today. And how maybe next time they come in or I could come visit them. Well......its not going to be me going to see them. And if they come here again, I am more than ok with it if they dont come to visit me. Some things are going to be changing in my life soon and they well be for the better.

I dont want people who feel obligated for whatever reason to come and visit. I dont need people like that in my life. Some people when they talk to you in person or on the phone its all about them and you cant get a word in edgewise. Well those people wont be hearing from me either any more. If they call me I might or might not answer my phone and I might or might not return their calls. To those people who said keep in touch, I am tired of being the one who calls and then gets brushed off after listening to all your problems. Well... that to is going to change, I am done listening. I dont need need you either.

What I did this summer. Spent a lot of time with my grandsons. Drake played t ball, both boys played soccer, and Drake is playing Little Raiders Flag Football. His last game is at home this Sunday at noon. I also spent time with my sister in law. We had a good time while she was here. We went places and did things.

Dale is doing better after having stents put in his leg back in may. He is on a blood thinner and going to get blood work done every 3 weeks, to make sure the blood thinner is working.

This week is the Black Walnut Festival. Tomorrow I am going to take the boys to look at the exhibits and to walk around and look at the carnival rides. Drake got off the school bus this evening all exicite. He said nana nana guess what? When I ask him what he said I saw Grandpa Crachet today. Grandpa Crachet is a puppet show that is free during the festival. I will be busy the rest of this week and weekend doing festival things. I will have pics posted on my face book of the festival and maybe some here.

Its getting late and tomorrow is going to be a long day. I hope all is well with you and yours in your own little piece of the world. So until next time, be well and safe.